Zach Herron Imagine ♤

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Monday 11th of May 2020
You walked ever so freely into the chaos of the hallways, laughing and having a good time with your friends. Your smile that was contagious was ever so bright making me want to smile like that too. You didn't have a care in the world you just lived every moment there and then, You were happy and that's one of the things I love about you. You can make anyone happy by just being you.

Tuesday 12th of may 2020
You walked past me in class smiling yet again your cheeks more redder then usual seeming that had just ran the marathon. But you smiled and went on with your day like there was no trouble. also that day you some how bumped into me making both our books fall to the ground, You apologised so sweetly countless of times giving me that smile once again which..... Made me smile ever so little. Then we parted ways as I didn't want this moment to ever end.

Wednesday 13th of may 2020
I sat on the cool floor of the school hallways as I always do every morning but this morning was different you, you came walking in smiling at me. My mind raced onto why you'd be smiling at me but you were which left me confused. You came closer to me and sat right next to me saying a small hey as I returned one. That's when I got the butterflies in my stomach when I heard you chuckle then look at me with those brown soft eyes smiling. You reached something from your pocket and handed it over to me it was a bar of chocolate, You said this was your way of saying sorry to bumping into me. could you get anymore perfect.

Thursday 14th of may 2020
Today was a little different, You ran into the chaotic hallways while your friends chased you. You quickly glanced over to me giving me a small smile which caused me to blush. also today you made me feel less stressed  in myself and less anxious as you helped me with maths in class today. But I'll never understand one thing why me.....?

Friday 15th of may 2020
Today I myself felt happy, Maybe because it was Friday or maybe I get to see you again. You walked in once again smiling, But your smile grew as you saw me. You immediately ran towards me engulfing me in a hug as I happily returned you said you couldn't wait to see me and, that I was the only thing that made maths class less boring. That small little thing honestly meant alot to me since I may not have that many friends and that I feel so caved in, making me over think more and more convincing me people  dont like me but you, You never made me feel like that you, You made happier and smile more as you were about to leave,
"You kissed my cheeks and made feel like I was in another universe". The person says behind of me and I knew who thay person was, I slowly turn my head to face him to see that smile plastered on his face. I felt embarrassed as my cheeks flushed a light shade of red.

"so do i really make you that happy", He says now sitting next to me. i looked at him nodding my head with a smile, His smile only grew bigger which showed his teeth.

"Um you might as well read the letters i wrote for you since you read some of  the one I was just writing", I say quiet and shyly.

"Really", He says questioning. I nod my head and pass the book to him, Hebgrabs it gently out of my hands and starts reading as I watch and wait patiently but anxiously for his response and reaction.

He slowly closed the book and looked up at me straight in the eyes. My cheeks began to turn red not knowing what you were thinking or about to say.

"You Y/n are one of the most special people I have met and seen. Your unique and yourself I saw that the moment we looked up at each other when we went to pick up our book's off the floor the day I bumped into you",He chuckles "and I would love to get to know you even better because I know your going to be in my life forever", He says now smiling at me.

I smile shyly my cheeks going a dark shade of red and I play with the ends of my sleeves taking a deep breath in and then letting it out. "D-do y-you really mean that", I say now making eye contact with him.

"Every single word", He says seriously

I smile widley now something I haven't done in such a long time and I lean over engulfing zach in a big hug, He chuckles a little and hugs me tighter. "Thank you", I whisper. "For what" He whispers. "For making me happy again" , I say and look at him now. He gives me a small smile and kisses my forhead gently then hugging me once again. "I would do anything to make you happy", He says whispering. I smile widley and melt even more in the hug.

7 years later

I set the small journal on the table in front of me and sit back on the soft couch waiting anxious, excited and patiently until zach came home. After 20 minutes of waiting I hear the door open and Zach's voice echo through the apartment asking where I was. "I'm in the lounge room"I say now getting more nervous by the minute.

"Hey beautiful", He says smiling and sitting next to me kissing my forhead.

"Hey" , I smiled "I have something for you", I say reaching out to grab my small journal.

"Your journal, The one from high school", He says smiling widley down at it.

"Yeah it is, I forgot to show you one last letter I wrote for you. It's on the last page", I say giggling a little, playing with the ends of my sleeves nervously.
Zach opens the book and flips to the last page and starts reading out loud the letter I wrote for him.

"Monday the first of June 2027
To my dearest Zach I do not want to make this letter long, But I love you so much and I thank you for making me the happiest person ever I can't wait for what the future holds for us especially since there's going to be a little herron running soon xx", He said the last words and re read the last sentence once more turning his head towards me smiling ever so widely.

"I'm going to be a dad", He says looking at me. I nod happily and quickly tackles me in a hug responding the words "I'm going to be a dad". I was so relieved that he was happy about this. "Yeah baby your going to be a dad", I say giggling and pulling a little away from the hug  to look at him.

"I love you",He says smiling and giving me a soft kiss which I returned.
"I love you, and so does our little baby", I say giggling.

"I love our baby so much", He says giggling kissing my stomach gently. "Hey little herron it's your dadda, I love you so much I can't wait until your brought into the world", He says softley down at my stomach at this point my eyes were filled with tears of happiness.

"I couldn't imagine my world without you", I say looking at zach. He looks up at me and smiles "I told you, you would be in my future baby",  He says hugging me once more.

(Well hello I have not published an imagine for a whole month wow.... But I've had this in my drafts for over week and decided to finish it now, I have no idea when I'll write another imagine 😂, Oh and thank you for 18k reads like wtfffff. Anyway hope you enjoyed this Zach imagine)

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