Jack Avery Imagine ♡

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It felt perfect, peaceful. I felt like I was in my own world skating down the path, one side you saw the road with cars driving pass and on the other was the beach. The beautiful beach then up in the sky you see the beautiful colours from the sunset in this moment is most memorable.

I kept skating admiring the whole scenery, I was so caught up at looking at the beautiful scenery that soon after I felt I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry I wasn't concentrating", the person says getting up and coming to help me.

"Oh no it's not your fault, I was the one not concentrating", I say laughing a little. Then the person helped me up and I was met with the most beautiful brown eyes they sparkled as the light hit them I saw it was a boy and he had a perfect jaw line and I saw his face was full of concern. Ugh he was just god damn beautiful.

"Are you ok", The boy asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, but are you ok", I say laughing a little.

"Yeah I'm ok, I'm Jack", Jack says smiling.

"Y/n", I say smiling back.

I went to pick up my board but when I picked it up it wasn't mine.

"I think you have my board", Jack says laughing nervously ad he was holding mine.

"Oh oops here you go", I say handing him his board as he hands mine.

"I like your board by the way", Jack says to me.

"Why thank you", I say giggling.

"So Y/n, You want to skate together. You seem like a really nice person and I would love to get to know you better", Jack says scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah sure, you sound like a really sweet person Jack", I say smiling at him. Hus eyes lit up as I agreed to skate with him.

Jack and I Skated around near the beach for almost 2 hours we go to know each other better, and I found out he was part of a band and I thought that was so cool. He was such a great guy and I've already developed feelings for this boy, What is he doing to me.

We stoped at a Starbucks to get some drinks as I was about to pay for my drink, Jack handed his card to the cashier.

"It's on me", Jack says smiling at me.

"You don't have to jack really", I say to him sighing

"Please it's the least I can do for bumping into a beautiful girl", he says smiling and giving me a small wink.
he just called me beautiful did he really think I'm beautiful, I slightly blushed when he said that. He's to sweet I can't ugh.

The barista called our names and we grabbed our drinks and we skated back down to the beach to just sit and enjoy our time. When we got to the beach we went down to the sand we sat down looking out to the beautiful ocean.

"You Know I'm kinda glad that I bumped into you Y/n", Jack says now turning his focus on me.

"really", I say chuckling and questioning him.

"Yeah really, your great to hang out with plus your cute", he says nudging my shoulder playfully.

"Your not bad your self either Jack", say nudging him back.

We just sat in silence after for a bit but it wasn't an awkward silence it was a comfortable silence. You could hear the waves crashing against each other and it was peaceful.

"Y/n", Jack says still looking out the ocean.

"hmm", I hummed in response.

"Can I kiss you", he just said just like that.

"Oh, I.  You want to kiss me", I ask in a whisper and looking at him.

"Yes I want to kiss you, Your just perfect ok", he says looking at me in my eyes.

I just nod at him and he leans in and I feel his lips on mine. They were soft and perfect I couldn't get enough of his lips. We kissed for a 30 seconds until we parted. I was smiling so wiles and a blush crept up my cheeks and I put my head down.

"Y/n look at me", Jack says grabbing my chin and lifting my head up.

"Your beautiful and I've already developed feelings for you can I please take you our tomorrow", Jack says in a whisper.

"yes", was all I said and kissed him once again.

( I-, I don't know this idea just popped in my head ok bye 💙)

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