Corbyn Besson Imagine ♧

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Here I go new place, new country and new school meaning another year of hell. I walked up the small stairs and pushed the doors open and walked into the building slowly feeling even more anxious every minute seeing people at there lockers a couple of people glancing at me seeing that I'm new. I could this was going to be very different from my old school in Australia.

I walk to the head office to get my locker combination and my schedule. I walk out of the office and go to my locker putting my locker combination in. Opening it I put some of my books in and my bag in and while doing that someone says hi to me.

"Hi I'm Ashley  besson , you must be new", Ashley says smiling.

"Oh hi, I'm Y/n Y/l/n and yes I'm new", I say smiling at her.

"So since your new I'm going to show you around the school", she says smiling

"Oh ok thank you that's very nice of you", I say smiling

"Ok so what do you have first" she says looking at my schedule.

"English then ugh science Physics", I say sighing about science.

"Oh you have English with me so that's good. Oh you have science with my older brother", she says looking at the paper

"Oh you have a brother", I say questionly.

"Yeah I do he can be a real douch but I love him also don't be surprised if you see him and his friends being cheered at they're like the 'Popular' people I guess you can say", she says laughing a little.

"Alrighty then", I say laughing a little too now

We start walking to our first class chatting with each other Ashley really liked my Aussie accent and she likes how it sounds and I love her reaction to the way we say things.

English was ok it was kind of boring since we were supposed to be reading lord of the flies (a/n I did this book this year and I didn't even read all of it cause I started reading the first few pages and it was boring af)
That book is really boring I hope science isn't boring but knowing my luck it will be.

I walk in to science and take a seat near the back corner. The teacher had arrived and started the lesson not even 10 minutes into the lesson a kid comes into the class room.

"Mr besson why are you late to class", the teacher says.

"I don't know", the kid says. Even tho his name sounds familiar besson? Besson? Oh my God that's Ashley's older brother Corbyn  she said I had science with him.

I look a little more up to see how the kid looks like and I see he has blond hair and he's very tall and you can see he has muscles. He has a perfect jaw line and his outfit choice was actually not too bad.

"Alright Mr besson go sit next to Y/n who is there near the back corner", the teacher says. Corbyn didn't say anything but just go sit next to me Whyy tho, why did the teacher say he hat to sit here.

Corbyn sits next to me and turns his head to me observing me I guess. I didn't look his way I kind of felt a little uncomfortable until I spoke up a bit.

"You Know it's not nice to stare", I say a little annoyed.

"I wasn't staring I was just trying to figure out if I ever seen you before here at school", he says smirking a little.

"No you haven't I'm new I just came today", I say rolling my eyes playfully a little.

"Oh ok, Well ones thing is for sure your not from around here your accent is different ", he says now more focused on the conversation.

Why don't we imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora