Jack Avery Imagine ♡

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Hurriedly we all ran down the stone cold path, Heavy breathes heard from all of us and the sound of our feet running againts the path. We all came down a bend and Jack grabbed my hand as we turned the bend holding my hand tightly making sure to never lose me in site. I held his hand mkre tightly  as fear and adrenaline was coursing through my body my breathes heavy as we have been running over how many metres. Jonah quickly yelled out that it's coming after still, That's when we all started to run faster then we all ever had. I glanced at jack fear showing throigh my eyes as his showed the same but he never let go of my hand.

"HERE HERE", Daniel yelled out pointing to ditch that we all ran to and jumped in and hid. We all tried to steady out breaths so it couldn't hear us and find us. We heard a loud screech pass us and then fade away in the distance. We all let out a breath of releig regaining our energy.

"Did we lose it", Zach said fear quivering over his voice.

"For now we did", Corbyn said peeking up a bit to look over from the ditch we were in.

I closed my eyes and steady my breathes regaining energy, Leaning my head on jacks shoulder, Still holding his hand tightly and never wanting to let it go. He gave me a soft kiss on my head holding me close to him.

"I'm so sorry for bringing you and the guys into the mess",I say looking at him in his beautiful brown eyes.

"Y/n I love you and the guys love you to and we all care about you. We're here for you and were going to help you get rid of this thing I want you safe ok". Jack says cupping my cheek in his hand and kissing me soflty on the lips which made me smile into the kiss.

"Y/n next time remind me to always listen to you when you say shit like the paranormal and creatures like this exist in our world", Zach says now chuckling next to me.

"Noted Zachary",I say chuckling and peeking over the ditch we were in to see if we were clear to go. I signalled for all of us to get up and run to the aboneded building across from us. "Great a aboneded building that also looks creepy deffintaly not haunted at all", Corbyn says sarcastically with a scared laugh. I patted his shoulder for reassurance  then grabbed Jack's hand again to make syrebi don't lose him.

We all ran in and ran up the stairs going up to the roof laying low ready to kill what's been haunting me in my dreams for how many years now. 

"Its close", I say taking a deep breath in and out. Jack holds my hand ad squeezes it for reassurance  and I squeeze it back then the shadow surround us and we all stand in a circle I quickly grab the salt and pour it around us as protection and grab my book and read out the words out loud. Jack still holding onto my hand never letting me go once. Then everything happened in slow motion a massive light shined making us all shield our eyes closing them tightly, A loud scream was let out with wind picking up and soon everything stopped with a massive bang. We unshielded our eyes, taking in our surroundings seeing it was all back to normal.

"Holy shit y/n You did it",Jack says smiling widley picking me up and spinning me in victory. I smile widley squealing a little. The boys all cheer and dance as jack places me down carefully. I engulf him in a hug and we stay like that relieved and not scared anymore.

(Well it's been a while but I'm back I know I've been gone for a while but I haven't had much time to write and I kept losing motivation whenever I tried writing but I hope you enjoyed this jack imagine I don't really know what I was trying to go for here in this imagine 😂. But yeah idk when I'll be writing the next imagine)

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