12] The filthy shopping?

Beginne am Anfang

Taehyung:- I was a senior. I am 4 years elder to her. I met her at the Reunion.

Amy's Mom:- I trust you, son, take care of her for some time, when the situation gets fine, I'll make sure to thank you and give you whatever you ask for.

Taehyung:- Don't worry Aunty, I'll be leaving now, I've left her home alone so I have to check how she's doing.

I left the cafe after escorting Amy's Mom. It felt worse to see her break down like that, I guess being rude to Amy was wrong as she might be in the same condition right now, I'll get back and make her call her mom so that she feels okay.

Amy's POV:-

Taehyung's gone somewhere, I was all alone and I had nothing to do, I am wearing all his loose shirts and pants all the time and that makes me feel very comfortable but at the same time, they are so huge that if someone else looks at me wearing all that, they'll have a good laugh.

I was wandering around looking at Taehyung's stuff and I saw a picture of him with his mom.
I couldn't control as tears started rolling down my cheeks, I was just staring at those pictures with his mom. I missed my Mom.

A knock on the door and there comes the rude chaotic person who doesn't care about me at all, with a bag full of clothes and a lot of stuff in his car as well.

Amy:- Where did you go, I told you to get a pastry for me and this is all that you get?

I was scoffing at him.

Taehyung:- These clothes are for you, go set them in your room and wait...

Did he go shopping for me?

I was about to turn and leave with all the stuff, but a second later he handed me a huge cake box.

I grabbed it from his hand and put it into the refrigerator and thanked him.

I went upstairs to set my clothes in the closet, well my closet had a lot of Taehyung's stuff and since they were comfy, I ain't planning to give them back.

I went upstairs to set my clothes in the closet, well my closet had a lot of Taehyung's stuff and since they were comfy, I ain't planning to give them back

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I feel a little rich looking at so many clothes in the closet. Why did he buy so many?

I went down and saw him sitting on the chair lazily staring at the television, he looked tired.

I went in and grabbed the pastry he bought in two plates

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I went in and grabbed the pastry he bought in two plates.
He got a little active.

Taehyung:- Wait, you're sharing with me?

Amy:- You bought it, I have to. By the way, thank you for all the clothes and all those necessary stuff you got for me. I'll pay you back when I leave.

Taehyung:- I need interest as well!

Amy:- What? Really? Why?

Taehyung:- Because I'm a guy, I went to those girly shops, bought you all those things that are of no use to me, bought you bra--... I meant, I bought all that by going alone there, okay, so...I need money with interest.

Well, that was funny, he did get me bras and everything that I needed and it was sweet of him to get me all that.
Of course, being a guy and purchasing something like that is difficult, I smiled while looking at the pastry.

Amy:- Fine, I'll give it all once I leave.

He got a little flustered.

Taehyung:- Why do you keep talking about leaving? You're not going anywhere. You're staying here with me because of your my...

He left me all startled, how can he call me his? What am I?  His Property?

mean, we barely even spoke to each other and now he doesn't want me to leave? What's up with this man. He spoilt my wedding and now he calls me MINE? I didn't say anything after that and but I wanted to know why he said that.

Amy:- Hey sit here, don't leave. Complete what you were about to say, I want to know, what were you saying???

He looked stunned as if he blurted out something he shouldn't have but that was interesting.

Was that flirting? Did he just flirt with me? In his way?

He didn't even dare to look back into my eyes, I could see his cheeks were all blushing and I wanted to poke him a little more too because that was funny to see the hottest guy in school being shy and so blushy in front of me, even I wanted to make fun of him, so I will.



My dear readers, I know this was a lengthy chapter, I hope you'll didn't get bored ♥️

Keep reading, keep supporting and let's see how Amy tries to make fun of Tae in the next chapter, let's see where the so-called love-hate relationship is going!!

Thanks a lot for reading, I love you'll ♥️
- xoxoxoxoxo

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