Part 12

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2 years later

Its been 2 years now that everyone I love moved into a mansion together. Stephan found a girl Tiffany and they took a room together and Hunter and Samantha are married so they took a room with a bathroom. Jackson and Jacob also took a big room but with 2 beds because they both also found them selfs girls Jacob found Lara,Jackson found katie. My brother Jason is also married to Christina and Mason is single but he likes this girl Britt and they hang out a lot it would be great if he would finally ask her my dad also got a room and me and Sean got a room well were still just dating. Me and all the girls we bacame great friends and we drive the boys up the wall. We have a lot of girls nights and sometimes the boys come and ruin it to join so awwwww because now we can't talk about them anymore.

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This morning I woke up and everyone looked at me so weird when I got to the table for breakfast. Everyone was quite but they stared at me and I had the urge to just turn around and walk away but I was hungry and when I don't eat I get angry so it will be one of this hangry moments. So I made cerial and poured my cerialkiller(Milk) in the Bowl but I still felt everybody's gaze on my back. "Okay why are you staring at me" I say and and I turned to look back at them. Everyone got read and looked away and Said nothing. "That is what I thought now please don't stare" everyone like everyone was scared of me when I get angry so they never push me and I mean Im not that bad am I. But they all learned their lesson they don't fight when I am here Jacob and Jacksons fighted once and they both lost because I came in and game both a black eye they will never do that again as long as I am around and Hunter tried to prank me once by scaring me with that scream costume of him and I also gave him a beading nose and I told him and I quote "No one is allowed to prank me I will hit you only I can prank in this house got it" Yeah and I also won that won. The girls they are fine they never get to me so yeah I love them they are my sisters now and we all are family.
"Hallo Earth to Belle" someone snapped me out of my thoughts. "Babe I said hallo like 5 times what are you thinking about that you dozed of like that". He said giving me a pointed look. "About what if something is going on with all of you that keeps staring at me and then I thought about all the times I punched someone because they did something I did not like" Hunter suddenly choked on his drink and he got red and he looked terrified just like all the others around the table.

"I'm going to my room and I'm getting dressed and then I am going to the mall and when I am coming back everyone better not be acting so suspicious" With that I turned around and did exactly what I said I wanted to do.

I was Hangry right now because I left my cerial on the counter and I did not eat at all so I'm going to the restaurant and I'm gonna eat then I will go shopping.

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It was like 03:00 Pm and I got home. The lights were off and nobody was home. "Guys I'm back where are you" I went to the stairs and there were rose pettels all the way up to me and Sean's room. I opened the door and I saw the pettels laying in a heart form with candles around it. It was beautiful. "Okay you all can come out now, don't think you can bribe me with to make me pretty things."I shouted and I still had no reply but I saw a biggg box on my bed and I saw a note on the box that says 'This is just the beginning'. I opened the box and inside was the most beautiful short black dress.

And an other note that says 'come to the backyard when your done dressing up'.
So I did what the note said,I putted on my dress and shoes and just let my hair hang down my back. And I went to the backyard but in the kitchen was a note sticked to the door but the door was closed so I took the note and it read 'Your almost there c'mon beautiful ' I rolled my eyes at his sillyness. When I walked outside there was a trail of roses leading to the open space and roof it was pretty dark but there are candles everywhere and roses and it was so pretty.
And suddenly everyone jumped out of nowhere and I almost got startled. "Is this the way you bribe me not to be mad or something because you stared at me" I ask looking at everyone but... "Where is Sean".
Then 'you are the reason by Calum Scott' came on and Sean came around the corner and he was nicely dressed.
"May I have this dance" He Said holding his hand out for me and I took it gladly and we danced and soon everyone joined in and we danced till the song ended and Sean looked at me and he kissed me and I let him. I pulled away because everyone is still staring at us and he held both of my hands and he looked at me he was nervous and I don't know why.
"Belle every day with you is a memory I need to earn and every hour with you is a mystery that is yet to come and every second with you is worth living for and I love you, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met and I Want to spent my hole life with you and even tho we met on the weirdest way every I am glad that it had happened that way. Belle  Erickson "He got down on one knee and I started crying because it was the most beautiful ring he pulled out of his pocket "Will you make me the happiest Sean Alive and marry me" I started crying more and I couldn't stop it. "Yess I will" He picked me up and and kissed me for a good 10 seconds and I smiled because I was engaged to the most handsome and best Sean ever. "Okay but may I ask you something Sean" I ask giving him a questioned look. "Yeah" he said nervously. "Why did you say the happiest Sean and not man well I loved it that you said that but why"
"Well because no other Sean can be as happy as I am to get to marry you but there are some lucky men not to be put up with someone as scary as you when you get mad and because they get more love than hits" I laughed at him because he was cute and I Hugged him to me and everything felt right.

5 months later(Day of wedding)

"Guys I am so nervous I don't know what to do what If everything goes wrong" I say to the girls and they all calmed me down. The makeup artist did my makeup and hair and my nails but all in natural colour that fits with my dress. I had a beautiful elegant white dress with no straps and silver glitter on my waist.

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My bridesmaids were all the girls but Sam could not become a bridesmaid since she was already married but she was happy because I get to be married to her brother

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My bridesmaids were all the girls but Sam could not become a bridesmaid since she was already married but she was happy because I get to be married to her brother.

My bridesmaids dresses are a light blue with high heels.

It was time for me to became a walker so the music started playing and I entered the church and when Sean saw me he started crying when I got to the front he wanted to kiss me already he was about to when the preacher said "Slow down buddy we are ...

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It was time for me to became a walker so the music started playing and I entered the church and when Sean saw me he started crying when I got to the front he wanted to kiss me already he was about to when the preacher said "Slow down buddy we are not there yet" And everybody busted out laughing.
We said our vows and we both said I do now "I pronounce you husband and wife The walkers, you may kiss your bride".

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