Part 10

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I walked towards my family they all counted as my family now. And they stared at me and I was really confused but then I turned around to face Sean and he was not there maybe he went back to the Car because he forgot something. So I turned back to my family and I started crying because... 

Sean was standing there with my family and they held up a banner that a says. 'Will you be my Girl'.
I watched him and "Yesss!!" I shout as I jumped into his arms and he Hugged me so hard.
"Your squishing... my brains out" I say
"What brain" he says and everyone started laughing. He kissed me fast and everything dissappeared but unfortunately Jasen cleared his throat.

We sat there for 2 hours having picnic and laughing at the top of our lungs. But suddenly something felt so strange and I couldn't tell what it is but I decided to ignore it. The night went by faster than I thought it would have but everything still seemed out of place. We went to our cars me and Sean in one and the others splitted up we also decided that we will meat up at Stephan's house for a sleepover because he lives alone in like a mansion. So we all will meet up there.
As me and Sean get to the Car. "Hold up I forgot my carkeys in the tree hole I will be right back babe"He says as he runs off it was a new name but it was okay I guess.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and they knocked me out and drove off.

*Sean POV.*

I went back to get my keys and on my way back I saw a figure with Belle and she fell and he sped off with her I ran as fast as my feet could carry me and I got to my car  and started to drive after the guy. I called everyone to alert them about what just happend and they all wanted to trap that guy so they took different ways all eventually leading to one road only so we will definitely catch the person who tries and take her away from us.

We spent about an hour searching for her but we can't find her she is gone what am I gonna do. I shouldn't have left her there.
"Guys we need to figure something out please" I say over the group chat and they all agreed to firts meet up.
"Okay let us think about who this person could possibly be" I ask nervous and angry.
"Well we don't know and.... Wait a minute... Her bracelet did she wear it tonight"Her dad asks
"Yeah she always wears it"
"That has a tracker in it so we can locate her that is how I always knew where she was" He says kinda getting sad about it again.

*Belle's POV. *

I woke up but my hand are tied and I'm in a comfy seat my feet also tied. But it suddenly hits me I was being kidnapped and I was on a plane to who knows where and nobody probably knows im gone but if they do they will come find me. My bracelet luckily has a tracker in it. I looked down at my arm to see 'O NO MY BRACELET IS GONE WHAT ON EARTH AM I GONNA DO' I shout to myself in my brain.
They will find me I know it and everything will be alright Right?

"You finally woke up"
"Are you some kind of ghost that you like keep living after being shot and everything" I say with disgust to the same guy who shot me a month ago.
"O sweetheart you are sure a funny one" He says laughing at me.

"Csn I atleast use the bathroom" I ask giving him a pointed look.
"Yeah sure let's go"
"Hold up you ain't going in there with me" I say almost gagging.
"I will loosen your hands in front of the bathroom and put back the rope when you come back happy"
"Yeah that will help thanks" I just said it to make an excuse to find something to make it easier for when we land I can attack and escape and call back home for my family to know where I am. "And don't even try to pull any stunts doll you will regret it" he says asif he could read my mind. But it will be unexpected still.

He loosened my hands and I went in.
I did what I had to when I still had the chance but I also saw a drawer or something In the roof so I opened it and there were pocketknifes and cuffs and a lighters. Why would they keep that in here. We'll I took a knife and a lighter and put it in toilet paper so it wont look suspicious and I put it in my skirt that has no pockets. Well what is a pocket knife for when you don't even have pockets guys!! Help me out here will ya!

I left the cuffs it Will only make noises and I... Maybe I need it so I took one carefully and closed the drawer I putted the cuffs in my bra because it's the only place I got c'mon don't judge me I would need anything to escape this guy.

I went back outside. "What took you so long" He asked angry.
"I am air sick give me a break will ya" I said as a faked to run back to the toilet making gagging noises so he would think I was for real so I flushed the toilet and he tied me up again and I took my seat.

This was really uncomfortable with these things on me. But I had to keep up.

....... ❤️........

We drove for like another hour and we reached our destination. Wait this is Paris what in earth are we doing here. This is a city of romans not horror or something...

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