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Belle Erickson

21 years old

Stubborn and sings alot and plays piano also a Horse lover. Secretly does self-defense classes

 Secretly does self-defense classes

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Sean Walker

22 years old

Quite and hard to figure out.

Jason Erickson(Belle's brother)

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Jason Erickson(Belle's brother)

23 years old

Sing and play quitar makes alot of money out of it.

Mason Erickson(Belle's brother)

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Mason Erickson(Belle's brother)

25 years old

Song writer and sings also a model.

Emily Erickson(Belle's sister)

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Emily Erickson(Belle's sister)

5 years old

Just adorable with her teddy

Just adorable with her teddy

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Jackson & Jacob Selborne

22 years old

Idiots they are always hungry and they are charmers. They gym alot

Stephan McCain

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Stephan McCain


Quite and cooks food.

Hunter Rivera

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Hunter Rivera

23 years old

Clumsy and talks alot also has a girlfriend.

Clumsy and talks alot also has a girlfriend

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