Part 8

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We stood there in silence as my dad looked at us in anger.
"O now I see how this works, we'll now you will all be tortured" He said with his cold gaze.
"NO" I shout out at him walking towards them "It's me you want not them so leave them alone" I looked at him with the same expression.

"O Yeah you are right" He said as he grabbed my wrist so hard it will leave bruise and he pulled me towards the basement again with everyone following. "You see boys now you Wil get to see her die right infronf of and that will kill you inside right."He said mad.
I nodded at the boys giving them a look of 'don't worry it will be fine'.
"So do you want to say something before you die" He says pointing a gun towards my head.
"Yes actually I have two things to say" and my dad nodded in approvement.
"First of all I hope that gun is loaded"I ask with a smirk.And the boys looked at me as if I was stupid.
"Why?" My dad asked me with a questioned look.
"Because it's gonna take a lot of bullets to Hit this small brein of mine." I said holding in my laughter. The boys also wanted to laugh but there was a gun involved so they did not. My dad hit me in the face with his fist.But I did nothing about it because what I'm about to say to him.... Hopefully opens his eyes.

"Secondly do you remember that story grandma always told us about when you were little."I see him not knowing which one but I kept going." Granny had a dog and you loved him so much you played with him everyday before school and after school. But one day you were in a hurry and did not close the gate and her dog ran out and got hit by a car"I told him and I could see he was smiling to himself.
"Wel dad that day someone died and you loved them and it was an accident because the car hit that dog.Is it not the same as mom" He looked at me and I was sure his gaze just softened but I may be Imagenening the things that I want to happen so I kept going. "Dad you are still here.... You have a hole life in front of you.... Mom would have wanted you to be happy.... Not do the things you would have done now.... You still have a life dad.... Enjoy it" He looked at me and then he suddenly dropped the gun and held on to me like his life depended on it and he started crying.
"Sunshine I'm so sorry your right it was not your fault and I didn't see it until now." then I started crying and I felt relieved.
"No?! I loved that woman and she never loved me and when I bumped in into your car I tried to kill you not her" The guy with my dad said.
I stared at him with shock as he took the gun on the ground and pointed it at my dad.

I took my foot and swept the guys feet out from under him and he fell to the ground. I kicked him hard in the ribs.
"DAD untie me" I told him and so he did while the guy stood up from the ground. The gun was left on the floor.
"O sweety you will regret this" He said as he took punch after punch that I dodged he then got tired and it was my turn.
I kicked hit him straight in the face and then kicked him in the stomach as he bent down out of breath and I took my elbow shocking him hard in the jaw. Witch caused him to spit out some blood. He fell to the floor trying to catch his breath and he stoop up and grabbed the gun.
I kicked it out again but it fired a shot I felt pain and it hurted and with that I took the gun and shot him. But I fell and everything went black.

The last thing I remember was fighting him and everyone was staring at me like I was some kind of ninja or something. And when I felt the pain my dad yelled and ran to me.
"I just found you I can't lose you too and not again".

I then blacked out.....

Connecting with my kidnappers Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora