Part 11

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Well great I'm in Paris how lovely.
I'm being so sarcastic I mean I am kidnapped by that... Dude and I make sure too look for little things to find my way back if I escape and not get killed because he is taking me somwhere there is a cabin alone.

We got in and I'm pretty sure still tied up and I really hope he won't pull of the duck tape on my mouth because I will scream and do the same to him of  I get out of here. Wel he must have read my mind "AGHHH WHY" can you guess jup he pulled it off.
"Where is my bracelet it was moms" I ask.
"Sweety I took it off and I have it with me don't you worry I'll make sure to burry you with it" He spat out and left he closed the door behind him and now only do I see how dark it is in here. Pitch Black.

Well just as I tried to make a move he came back in and I almost groaned out loud. He had chains what is he gonna do with them wel he throws it over the ceiling thingies and placed an other thingie on it. We'll I sure don't know about those names but yeah anyway moving on. He picked me up and took the ropes on my hands and attached it to the chains and he pulled me up so now I was hanging in the air great isn't it. He then went out again and came back with a sweep omw he ain't gonna do that. Luckily my feet were not tied because I have plans. I let him get in a few hits so he doesn't expect anything... "Aghh your crazy really" I shout at him in a voice that is almost gone because of the shots he game me.
When he swings again I cought the sweep with my legs and yanked it forward with this guy.. I'm just gonna call him noman... Well he is a man though but he doesn't act like a man because he treats woman bad but he is noman anyhow.
I yanked him forward and grabbed his neck with my legs and choked him till he passed out and I letted go. That was pretty hard he was rough. I lifted myself up and did a rol so my hands could reach my back for the pocket knife and after a few minutes of struggle I finally got it and I turned back around. I started cutting myself loose and I fell to the ground my arms were dead.
I grabbed my bracelet and ran.

*Sean POV. *

We trackted her bracelet and she was in Paris Howwww on Earth.
Well we went to an airport and bought tickets.

When all of a sudden my phone rang it was unknown.
"Hello" I say into the phone.
"Heyy Sorry...listen im in Paris I  escaped but the noman guy... I Mean the one who was with my father he kidnapped me and gave me a few 'bruises' but its fine anyway I will go to the airport as fast as I can but please just bring backup" and the phone went dead.

I told everybody the story and we went to the airport it was an hour and we saw her. She ran to me and I picked her up and sinned her around I felt home with her and I never want to let yo again. Wel just when I thought everything was good till that guy she names noman came around the corner.
"Well you didn't get your message pretty clear did ya" he said as he shot me again but luckily in the leg well it still. Hurts so "AGHHHH" I shouted and I took the pocket knife and threw it at his hand which was now beading and he dropped the gun so I know this is weird but I took the cuffs and putted it around my fists so I hit him till his mouth bled and his nose broke and he was laying on the ground so I took the cuffs and tied him up. We'll the police came and took him away so it was me and my family again.


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