𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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Serena's POV

I woke up the next morning to the smell of freshly cooked bacon and eggs and people shuffling and talking in the background. I sat up from the couch, which was my new bed for the meantime and saw that my new friends were already up and awake. 

"Good morning!" Sarah greeted, as she noticed me awake.

Everyone followed and said good morning, and I said my good mornings to them as well. John B and Pope walked in the house looking frustrated. 

"JJ, the boats busted. Why don't you try and take a look cause Pope and I tried but we can't get that shit to work. So maybe you can figure it out." John be said, placing some tools down on the dining table. 

"Aye aye, captain." JJ said, as he picked up the tools and headed outside. 

I thought it would be a great idea to follow him and see what was wrong with the boat. I mean, I was an airplane mechanic, so how different would a boat be? I'm sure I could figure it out. And plus, it would give me a chance to get to know some of my new friends. I got out of the couch and quickly fixed it before slipping on some flip flops and heading to the dock. 

"Hey!" I called out. JJ stopped what he was doing and turned around to look at me. 

"What's up." He said, as he gave me a quick head nod. 

"I thought I could come out here and help." I said walking closer. 

"Oh cool, you know how to fix boats?" JJ asked.

"Well, no. But I'm an airplane mechanic so I thought how hard could fixing a boat be." I said. 

I looked over at what he was doing and picked up a smaller wrench.

"Here, try this." I said, handing it to him. 

He accepted it and said "thanks". 

"So how are you liking it here so far?" JJ asked, continuing to fidget with the parts. 

"So far it's been pretty nice, I mean I obviously haven't seen much yet. But you guys are the sweetest, and I'm so thankful I met you all." I complimented.

"Told you, we're the greatest people you'll ever meet." JJ said. "And I'm surprised you like it here, I mean it's probably not as cool as the places you've lived before."

"Well it's definitely different. But I wouldn't always consider different as being a bad thing you know." I said. 

"Where exactly have you lived?" JJ asked. 

"As soon as I was 18 I moved out to New York with a few friends in a small apartment. That was a really bad move. We ended up being broke because rent is fucking ridiculous, and we were all young and didn't know how to do any adulting whatsoever. Anyways, it lasted like 4 months before I finally decided that I was gonna go on my own and live somewhere else. I thought it would be fun to live in Hawaii for a bit and experience the chill beach vibe. I lived there for a few months too before deciding to move. It got pretty expensive eventually. Then I made a super spontaneous decision to move to Italy after Hawaii. I finished out my lease there and learned to speak some Italian in a month and a half. Then I went to Italy and met some new people. They were so kind and they offered me to stay with them for however long I was staying. So, I fucked around with a bunch of Italian boys, went to bars every weekend, drank champagne on the beach, and all that. Basically, Italy was a dream. Lastly, I decided to move to the Bahamas because I missed the beach vibe of Hawaii, so I stayed there for about 6 months and now I'm here." I explained. 

"Damn. And I've never even left North Carolina." JJ confessed. 

"Yeah, it's a pretty cool lifestyle I highly recommend." I said. 

"Wait, so.. you're not 18?" JJ asked curiously. 

"Nope." I laughed. 

"So you're.. uh.. hold on, I'm not very good with math." JJ started. 

"I'm 20" I giggled. 

JJ was so dorky and funny, I really enjoyed being around him. And not to mention he was super cute too. Like those eyes and those muscles oh my god! 

"Well it looks like the engines busted." JJ said, looking at the boat.

"It is?" I asked.

"Yup, I'm gonna have to tell the Pogues that we can't go boating today." JJ said, as he started walking back towards the house. 

"Aw that's too bad." I said.

"Yeah, it would have been really cool if we got to show you around the Cut. We've made hella memories here." JJ said. 

"I can tell. All of you guys seem so close. I really wish I could have stayed close with my friends, but you know we all drifted apart and we're just living our own lives." I explained sadly. 

JJ noticed and we stopped walking. 

"Hey, it's okay. Don't be bummed about what happened in the past. I mean you met us, so we can be your friends now." JJ smiled, trying to comfort me. 

He was so sweet, it started to warm my heart. 

"Thank you, JJ" I said smiling. We walked back up to the house and JJ let everyone know that the boat's engine was broken. 

"Well shit, what do we do now?" Pope asked.

Everyone thought for a while before John B spoke out. 

"How about we go surfing?" He suggested. 

Everyone agreed and we all started to get all of our things ready for our beach day. We loaded the surfboards on top of John B's van and packed all of our snacks before heading to the beach. 

☞author's note☜

I know some of yall boutta be real mad at me, but I needed to stir the pot up a little. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you so so much for 10k reads! Yall are the literal best and I love reading your guys' reactions and comments! Hope you are all doing well and having a great day, much love xx 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐲 ☼ 𝙅𝙅 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙆𝙞𝙖𝙧𝙖Where stories live. Discover now