𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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Kiara's POV

Ring! Ring!

My phone interrupted me before I could tell Pope that I accidentally kissed JJ.

"Shit, hold on." I said annoyed, as I grabbed my phone from my night stand. "No caller ID, that's weird."

"It's probably just a prank call. Ignore that shit." Pope said.

"Dumbass, answer it! If it is, even better!" JJ said cheekily.

"I'm answering it." I said.

"Ooh, put it on speaker!" JJ requested. I put the phone on speaker and waited for someone to talk.

"Hello? Kiara?" A man said.

"Hello? Who is this?" I replied.

"Kie. It's me. John B" The man said. Pope and JJ froze, looking dead straight at me.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I sighed in disbelief. "Ok cut the bullshit! Rafe, Topper, I know it's one of you fuckheads trying to mess with me! Just stop it with this insensitive ass prank call! You're not fucking fooling anyone!" I yelled.

"No Kie, it's really me. Please believe me. I'm not dead, I'm okay!" The man said.

"Just fucking quit the act already! John B is gone! He died! There is no way in hell I will believe you!" I yelled, as tears started forming in my eyes.

"Kie, please believe me! I'm alive! I made it to the Bahamas, Sarah and I are trying to figure out a way to get the gold that Ward stole! Please Kie!" The man begged. I couldn't picture it being him. Everyone said that they died. It couldn't be him.

"Dude! Whoever the fuck you are, just leave her alone!" JJ yelled.

"Ya dude, just fuck off!" Pope added.

"JJ, Pope! Please you have to believe me! This isn't Rafe or Topper. It's really me John B!" The man explained.

"Nah man, we can't. John B is gone." JJ replied. I curled up into a ball and sobbed silently. All of a sudden a girl starts crying through the phone.

"Kiara! Please, I know you're there! It's me Sarah! Please you have to believe John B. It's really us, we're alive and we're okay. We're trying our best to figure everything out and go home. Please Kiara you have to believe us!" The girl cried. I shut my eyes and cried even more. There was no way in hell I could believe whoever's on the other side of the phone.

"How do I even know you're the real Sarah! For all I know you could be some girl that Rafe or Topper set up to prank me. God knows what goes on in that FUCKED UP BRAIN OF THEIRS!" I yelled through the phone.

"Kiara, its really me. And I can prove it." The girl cried. "Listen, I know you called the cops on my party in the ninth grade when I didn't invite you. I know because you told me, on the night that the guys left us stranded on the boat. Please Kie you have to believe me."

And as soon as she said that my heart sank. It was as if the world stopped spinning, and everything was frozen in time. JJ and Pope were inaudibly speaking in the background. All I could think about was the boy and girl on the other side of the phone. The two people who I thought I lost forever. I let everything out, and couldn't believe what I just heard. The people on the other side of the phone really were John B and Sarah. They were actually alive. I balled my eyes out and continued to cry.

"Sarah." I said as my voice cracked silently.

"Wait." Pope said shocked.

"Hollup, you're telling me that that's them?" JJ asked, as his eyes widened.

"They're alive!" I said happily. "You guys are alive!"

"Yes Kie! I told you we're fine! We miss you guys so much!" The man said again.

"We miss you too!" Pope cried out.

"Hey, we can't talk for long, so we'll just call you back when we can!" John B said. "We love you guys so much! We'll talk soon! Oh and you can't tell anyone that we're alive. We can't have Ward figuring it out and messing shit up again."

We said our goodbyes and just sat there in complete and utter shock.

"What. The. Fuck." Pope said.

"Retweet." I replied.

"Am I high as shit right now or did that actually happen?" JJ asked, as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Nope, I'm most definitely sure that actually happened." Pope said, laying back on my bed.

"I think I'm gonna pass out." I said as I slowly stood up from my bed. I suddenly started to feel dizzy, and the next thing I knew I blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes and JJ was staring at me.

"What happened?" I asked as I slowly sat up.

"You passed out, and Pope and I tried waking you up you didn't move. Lowkey thought you were dead. I ended up just moving you on your bed to let you sleep." JJ explained.

"Where's Pope?" I asked, looking around my room.

"His parents couldn't let him stay long, so he just asked me to stay here until you woke up. You know make sure you're alive." JJ said.

"Thanks J" I said, as I placed my hand on his leg.

"So how are you feeling? You remember the whole phone call with John B right?" JJ asked.

"Ya, I remember. I just can't believe he's really alive." I said in shock. "This whole time I thought we lost him J." I said, as I started crying again.

"Shh, Kie it's okay." JJ said comforting me, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for crying so much. And I'm sorry about everything that happened earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you." I said sniffling.

"Don't worry about it, you're okay. We're okay. " JJ said as he rubbed small circles along my arm. "Hey, I think I'mma head out now."

I nodded my head slowly as he got up from my bed and walked towards the door. Part of me didn't want him to leave. I felt safe knowing that he was here with me. I didn't know what was urging me to beg him to stay. I was starting to come to the conclusion that there was definitely something there for JJ. It's a different feeling when I'm with him compared to Pope.

"Wait, JJ!" I called out. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me.

"Ya Kie?"

"I hope it's not too much to ask, but do you mind staying with me?" I asked.

"Well shit, I never thought you'd ask!" JJ joked as he slowly started to lift his shirt up.

"Get your mind out of the gutter J!" I complained.

"I know, I know! I'll stay with you. And I promise I won't try shit." He said, as he headed towards the other side of my bed. He got under the covers and we were laid there face to face.

"Goodnight Kie." He said, as he leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight J." I smiled as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

☞author's note☜

John B and Sarah are back baby! I know my story mainly focuses on Jiara, but I feel like it would make the story more interesting if it wasn't just solely about JJ and Kiara. A small bit of John B and Sarah's perspective will be in the later chapters though. I have a direction of where I wanna take this story and I'm excited to start writing it all out for yall! Again, a million thank you's to those of you who continuously support me, we got to 1.7k reads which is insane! Hope yall are taking care and staying safe ❤️

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