𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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I finished gathering all of my things and made my way towards the living room. I suddenly stopped when my dad yelled my name.

"JJ!" He called. I turned my head towards the hallway and faced him.

"What dad?" I asked.

"Where have you been? You've been gone all day again?! I'm getting sick of your attitude boy!" He yelled walking over to me.

"I was with Kie and Pope again dad." I answered.

"What ya got there?" He asked, looking down at my stuffed backpacks.

"My shit. I'm leaving." I said.

"Leaving? No the fuck you're not! Sit your ass back in your room boy!" He yelled grabbing a hold of my shirt.

"Dad, I don't have time for this. I gotta go, Kiara's waiting for me outside!" I answered clenching my jaw.

"Kiara huh? Who is that your little girlfriend? So that's what you're doing now? Fucking around with some little whore?!" He yelled.

"What the fuck did you say about her?!" I asked as I pushed him off of me in anger. He was shocked at my actions and made his way closer towards me again.

"You think you're tougher than your daddy now huh? I'll show you who's the fucking boss!" He yelled as he grabbed my shirt, flipping me around and pushing me up against the wall.

"You act like you're better than me! But you're just a worthless piece of shit!" He yelled.

The front door bursts open, and in runs a distressed Kiara with tears welling up in her eyes.

"I thought I told you to stay in the car Kie." I said as my voice cracked in pain.

"You were taking a while J, I needed to see if you were okay." She said as the tears started to fall down her face. This was the first time she's seen my dad abuse me in person, and I could tell it was breaking her heart. My dad let go of me and turned around to face Kiara.

"So, you're the famous Kiara I keep hearing about." He said as he took a step towards her.

"Yes." She answered as her voice shaked.

"Dad, just leave her alone." I ordered.

"Shh. Now hold on son, just let me talk to the pretty girl." My dad said as he walked closer towards Kiara. He was a foot away from Kie as he lifted his hand and caressed her cheek slowly. Kiara silently cried out in pain and disgust. Suddenly, my dad slapped her across the cheek and violently grabbed her by the arms.

"Stay away from my son you slut!" He yelled as he threw Kiara towards the couch. She screamed and cried out in pain.

"Son of a bitch." I mumbled under my breath as I charged towards my dad, tackling him to the ground. I pinned him down and started punching his face repeatedly. He can say all that he wants about me and hurt me as much as he wants, but the second he messes with my friends, it's over. "Don't fucking touch her again you hear me!"

He flipped me over and we continually wrestled with each other as Kiara screamed.

"Stop it! JJ stop it please! Let's go!" She cried out.

My dad had me pinned on the ground and he wrapped his hands around my throat, slowly choking me to death. My airways were closing and it was getting harder and harder for me to breathe. I could still hear Kiara screaming in the background.

"Stop it! You're killing him! That's your son you sick fuck!" She screamed. But my dad didn't care he, he kept going.

I closed my eyes and was starting to drift away when I heard a glass bottle shatter, and the oxygen rushing back into my body.

"JJ let's go!" Kiara screamed as she picked up my bags and grabbed my arm helping me stand up. I was still dizzy from my dad choking me, but she hurriedly helped me into her car. She drove away as fast as she could.

"JJ are you okay!" She asked concerned.

"I'm fine Kie, I'm used to it. Are you okay, is the real question?" I replied.

"I'm fine." She answered.

"I'm glad you're okay. But I told you not to follow me Kie, he could have done a lot worse." I said.

"J, I was worried about you. You were taking a while so God knows what I was thinking. I had to make sure your dad didn't fucking kill you!" She said.

"I know that, but please just leave me and my problems alone." I replied irritated. I appreciate Kie with all my heart, but I could never have her get involved with the shit I have to put up with my dad.

"Well shit sorry then. My bad for trying to help out a friend. I completely saved your ass back there, and I don't even get a thank you?! You could have fucking died JJ! If it weren't for me you would be dead!" She yelled in frustration.

"Well maybe I want to die Kie!" I yelled back. Kiara pressed her lips together and silently cried.

"JJ please don't say that." She cried silently. "You don't mean it."

"I'm fucking done with this shit. John B is gone, the money is gone, Rafe and Ward are still out there, getting away with all the shit they've done. My dad doesn't give a shit about me! What the fuck am I even doing here Kie?! Huh?! What is the fucking point of it all!" I yelled as I cried out in pain.

"JJ please stop! You have so much going for you! Please don't give up on me! I'm always here for you." Kiara cried, as she pulled up in front of Pope's house.

"Just stop it Kie. Stop wasting your time on a lost cause like me." I grabbed my bags and hopped out of her car heading towards Pope's house.

"JJ!" She cried out. But I ignored her and kept walking. It hurts me that I have to shut her out like that, but I was truly over it. I couldn't have her looking out for me, when there was no point for me to live anymore.

-author's note-

Hi yall! This chapter was a little sad to write
:( Anyways, I hope yall are enjoying my story so far! Thank you so much for 300 reads! Don't forget to vote if you like the chapters. Hope yall are staying safe and doing well :)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐲 ☼ 𝙅𝙅 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙆𝙞𝙖𝙧𝙖Where stories live. Discover now