𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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Pope's POV

I can't believe Kiara has been leading me on this entire time. And on top of that, she's had feelings for JJ! I really thought that we were in a good spot, but I guess it was all a lie. I'm just hurt that she kept it from me. And I'm hurt at the fact that she just kissed me out of pity. I honestly don't know what to say to them anymore, and I'm not sure if I have the courage to face them.

"Pope! Honey, your friend Kiara is here!" My mom called.

"Tell her I'm not home!" I yelled.

"She's in the living room sweetie!" My mom yelled back.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself. I sluggishly made my way to the living room to meet up with Kie.

"Hey Pope. Can we talk outside in private?" She asked.

I gave her a slight nod and followed her outside.

"Pope I wanna start off by apologizing. Look I'm really sorry for everything that I did. I never meant to hurt you in any way. I know what I did was fucked up and wrong, and you have every right to be mad at me because I truly deserve it. I should've just been honest with you from the start and I genuinely thought that what I was doing was in your best interest, but I was wrong. And I'm sorry about the kiss Pope. A whirlwind of emotions went over me that day, and I had an instinct to kiss you. I'm so so sorry Pope for everything. I still want to be your best friend, so I hope you can forgive me." Kiara apologized sincerely.

I had to take a moment to process everything that she just said to me. She sounded sincere, and I truly wanted to forgive her, but part of me wasn't ready yet. She lied and kept secrets from me, and made me have hope on something that wasn't even real. I was angry at her, and I was angry at JJ.

"I'm sorry Kie, but I can't forgive you right now. You lied to me! Best friends don't do that shit!" I yelled angrily.

"I know Pope, and I'm sorry. I've tried my hardest to put your happiness first, but I need to be honest with myself too! I just don't have feelings for you in that way! You will always be my best friend and I will love you to death, but romantically, I just don't see myself being happy with you." She admitted.

"Oh but JJ makes you happy? The same guy who pointed the gun to Topper's head that lead to the Kooks coming for our heads even more. The same guy who told me to sink Topper's boat which caused Topper to press charges against me. The same guy who stole $25 thousand fucking dollars from a drug dealer! That's who you have feelings for?!" I questioned angrily.

"Don't fucking do this right now Pope. Don't fucking attack JJ. He's been through a lot. As his best friend that's a really fucked up mentality to have. And for fucks sake, he's the one who bailed you out from getting arrested. " Kiara said.

"Oh back to this bullshit! Why do you pity him so much?! You don't think I've been through shit too?! I've had to give up everything I've worked for in school! Everything! And it was all for nothing in the end! So don't stand here and act like JJ is the victim! He should be held accountable for some of the shit he's done!" I argued.

"I never discredited any of the shit you've gone through Pope! Hell, we've all gone through shit! But it's not a fucking competition on who has it worse! How about you stop standing there and calling JJ out for being the victim, when you're practically doing the same thing!" She yelled.

"Do you really want to be with someone who doesn't know when to control themselves?! He's fucking reckless Kie! JJ does whatever the fuck he wants when he wants. Do you really wanna be in a relationship where you have to constantly pick up all the pieces?!" I shouted.

"Don't fucking tell me what I want! You're acting like a jealous child right now Pope! How many times do I have to apologize to you?! I just don't have feelings for you in that way! And I'm sorry that I have them for JJ! It just happened and you're just gonna have to accept the truth whether you like it or not! I can't help how I feel about someone Pope. You are my best friend, please just try and understand me." Kiara explained.

"Just leave me alone Kie." I scoffed walking back inside my house. I knew I would forgive Kiara at some point, but I was just too hurt at the moment to do it.

☞author's note☜

Shorter chapter I'm sorryyyyy 😭 But damn, Pope really came for JJ like that. I will probably post the next chapter later today so stay tuned my friends. Also thank you for 4k reads!!! ❤️

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐲 ☼ 𝙅𝙅 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙆𝙞𝙖𝙧𝙖Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora