Super powers gives you enemies. One reason to keep your identity or powers a secret.

Peter widened his eyes has he backed away from the corner. He stealthily made his way down the elevator way before Stark could, heading towards the garage with all the cars.

Stark was finally done writing the address. "Okay, MJ" he spoke after an unnerving silence. "I'll be there in a matter of minutes." The two hung up before Stark made his way, quietly, to his car garage. He got in an orange car, sticking the keys into the ignition, turning the car on. He backed up gently before going out of the garage.

Has he made it on the main road, he adjusted his mirror. It was then when he noticed something strange. Once he stopped at a red light, the man slowly turned beside him, only to get jump scared by a nine year old kid. The man jumped has he screamed in fear, earning a giggle from the child. "You sound like a five year old girl!" Peter giggled non-stop. Stark looked back behind him at the boy.

"How did you get back there?" Stark asked, a brow raised. "Why aren't you asleep?" God, he was certainly sounding like a dad.

"I over heard you on the phone" Peter responded. "I want to make sure MJ is okay." Stark opened his mouth has if he was about to say something only to have himself interrupted when honking echoed throughout the city. The man glanced over to see in front of him was a blinding green light. He had to deal with Peter later, right now he had to go.


Stark hopped put of the car, putting the keys back in his pocket, before allowing the kid out from the front seat. How did Tony end up getting convinced by a nine year old to allow him out of the car? His past plan was to leave Petet there, get MJ, and go, but nope. He had to be such a weakling.

Stark made sure the Parker boy stood by him at all times has they walked inside the hotel building. The same building where he had to pick up Peter. The lobby was completely empty, no one around. This was rare since there's usually a doorman behind the desk.

When he got the chance, Peter walked slowly away from Stark, exploring the familiar lobby room. He walked into the back room, where presumably the doorman eats his lunch. He walked further inside the room, the lights flickered. It wasn't until that moment Peter heard something. Sudden banging noises came inside another room.

Parker stared at the door for a long time. Should he open It? Before the Parker boy could answer that question, he heard the door open, jumping back. "There you are" Stark said, his tone hinting somewhat worriness. "I told you not to leave my side, didn't I?" Stark stared down at the boy, waiting for a response when he, himself, noticed the banging noise.

He rose a brow has he put an arm in front of the nine year old, pushing the kid back behind him. "Stay behind me" he told Peter, hesitantly reaching for the knob. Cautiously and slowly, the man opened the door, revealing a man tied up and taped. His fore head showed bruises, bumps, and possibly a little blood. Did he actually bang the door with his head?

Stark became alarmed by this, kneeling down. He slowly ripped the tape off the injured man's mouth. "Get me out of these ropes! Please" was the first words of the man. Stark quickly did so, pulling the man up onto his legs.

"You okay?" Stark asked, raising an eyebrow. " Do we need to call an ambulance?" All the man did was shake his head gently. Tony put the man's arm over the back of his neck, helping him out into the lobby. He gently placed the man on the comfy sofa. "Who did this to You?" Peter had followed the two out, tilting his head at the familiar man.


That's why there was no doorman. The nightshift doorman was tied up, but by who? "An woman" he answered, a yawn escaping his lips. Probably hasn't gotten enough sleep. "She looked mid-age, had a short hair cut, and her voice sounded scratchy for a mid-age person." Peter didn't find this description familiar until Kalvin told them she looked familiar, as if she was the school/daycare down there. Parker widened his eyes.

Stark found the description familiar has well.

Tony looked around the daycare. This place was too friendly in his mind, but it's for kids. A woman walked over to the two with a kind-hearted smile. "Hey Peter," she said to the boy in Tony's arms.

"Hey Mrs.Donnlley," Peter said with a smile as he climbed down Tony. Peter waves bye to Tony before going to play with the other kids. "You must be the new babysitter" she looked at Tony. Tony nodded as he watched Peter play with his kid friends.

That woman fits all those descriptions. "Uh, was that teacher perhaps a Mrs.Donnlley?" He questioned, curious. The man wiped the red liquid off his forehead, nodding in surprise.

"Yeah" Kalvin nodded. "How did you know?"

"Just a lucky guess" Tony shrugged, knowing telling him the real reason wasn't the best idea. "Uh, well, we are going upstairs to pick someone up, but if you need anything, let us know." Kalvin nodded with a smile has the two left.

Hello guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! How's it going?
Here's another (sucky) chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

1.Did you remember Kalvin? Did you guess correctly what happened to him?
2. What do you think's gonna happen next?

Yeah, not that many questions. That's odd. Anyway, also, I actually am being able to keep up updating every week. Who thought I'd be able to do so?
Also, dont talk about how MJ somehow got Stark's number and called him first before anyone else. ;D shhhhhh. Idk anymore.

Anyway, like I said, hope you enjoyed this (sucky) chapter!

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