It felt weird waking up in the morning without having to go get ready for school. I felt the urge to go take a shower and get dressed, but I had to remind myself that I had to stay home. I sat on my bed for almost an hour just scrolling through stuff on my phone. Eventually I felt some movement on the bed, and I saw Levi looking back at me with sleepy eyes and a cute smile on his face. I could get used to waking up and seeing him at my side every day.

"G'morning," he mumbled.

"Hey, slept well?" I asked him.

"Hell yeah..." He yawned. "Why are you up so early though? You don't have to work."

I shrugged. "Habit, I guess."

"Hmm..." He turned and went on his back to stare at the ceiling. "Want to do something?"

"Something?" I blushed deeply, remembering how we behaved last night. "Like what?"

He chuckled. His sleepy chuckle was the cutest thing ever.

"I know what you're thinking, but that's not what I meant," he said.

I pouted and looked away from him. I was dying on the inside that he could read me so easily.

"Unless you want to," he said, running his hand through my hair.

"W-what else did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Teach me how to cook," he said.

"As long as it's not baking, sure."

"But that cake was so good..." Levi snickered. "Especially mixed with seawater."

He was teasing me on purpose. I couldn't blush any more than I already was though, gosh...

"It wasn't the only thing that tasted good though..."

That was it. I jumped to my feet in embarrassment. My heart was skipping a million beats.

"L-let's go to the kitchen," I said, a bit too loudly.

"Sure," Levi replied, laughing.

I got dressed in nothing but an oversized T-shirt. Levi didn't bother putting a shirt on, but he did put on some black sweatpants. He followed me into the kitchen.

"What do you feel like eating?" I asked him.

I had my back for him, so it caught me by surprise when he suddenly bit my right ear. I yelped, then pouted at him. I felt goosebumps at his touch.

"Does that answer your question?" he asked me, giving me a playfully seductive stare.

This man was going to be the death of me.

"Fine, then I'll choose," I said, opening the fridge.

I was trying my best to control myself around him. But as soon as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder, all of my self-control went out the window. If it wasn't for the coldness coming out of the open fridge, we wouldn't have stopped making out any time soon.

"Breakfast, remember?" I teased, giggling at him.

"Uh yeah, I almost forgot what we were in the kitchen for," Levi replied, scratching the back of his head.

After we had our breakfast, Levi offered to do the dishes. I stood next to him to dry them off. There was something bothering me for a while now, so I asked Levi about it.

"What are you going to do about your job?" I asked him, "You can't go out and do your job like you want to."

He shrugged. "I'll do whatever I can from home."

I felt terribly guilty for shoving my problems with my husband onto him, impeding him from leading a normal life.

"Why?" he asked, "Are you worried I'll lose my job or something?"

"Of course. This is all my fault after all."

"How is this your fault?"

"If I wasn't in your life, you wouldn't be—"

"You can stop right there," Levi said, cutting me off, "You can't take responsibility for the idiocy of your husband. He's his own person. He's not a little kid." He turned to me while he was drying his hands off. "And you can't say those words to me again. Got it?"

I nodded slowly.

"Scarlett, I'm serious. Stop thinking this is your fault." Levi shoved some of my hair behind my ears and smiled. "Having you by my side is a blessing to me. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Just like that my guilty feelings vanished into thin air. It was crazy how Levi had that effect on me. I was convinced that he was the only person who could glue my broken pieces back together.

At that moment my phone started ringing. I ran to my bedroom to pick it up. I figured it was just work calling me. It was Coraline.

"Hey Cora," I said after picking it up.

"Scarlett, it's me," Terrence's voice said. From the tone of his voice I got a bad feeling of what he was about to say.

"Hey Terrence, this is new."

"Yeah, I don't usually call you, I know," he said, "I just wanted to ask you if you've seen Coraline today."

Hold on... what? "Uhm... no? Isn't she at work?" I asked him.

"Apparently not," he answered, "She left last night and didn't come back home."

"Did she say where she was going to?"

"She was going to head to Tina's house." Terrence sounded so worried. "But Tina said she hasn't seen her last night either. She didn't know that Coraline was going to head to her place in the first place. Something's off about all this. Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Huh? Why would Coraline lie about her whereabouts? She wasn't the type to do something like that to her husband. Terrence was right; something was horribly wrong here. 

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