How was it?

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No-one P.O.V

"Keith!!!" Yelled Romelle as she ran into the 'Lounge Area' to the boy with a mullet. "Hold on.." She breathed out. "Lance wants you, come on." She said before pulling him to Lance's room and pushing him in. "HAVE FUN!" She yelled to the Alpha and Omega.

_With everyone else_

"Romelle, where is Keith?" Asked Shiro suspiciously. 

"With his Lancey Lance~" She replied making almost everyone except Pidge blush madly.

"About freaking time." Pidge said, snickering loudly.

"P-Pidge language.." Shiro stuttered out, hiding his face.

"THAT'S NOT EVEN QUZNACKING PROFANITY!!!" She shouted before hearing loud noises from down the hall. Causing her face to glow red.

"So how about..we got to the..uhm s-space mall everyone.." Allura said motioning to the Lions hangers.

"I..I agree.." Said Pidge as she wobbled to the Green Lion's hanger. Making the others slightly giggle and snicker, following close behind her.

-Time skip brought to you by She-Ra's season 5 awesomeness and CatraDora-

Pidge P.O.V

Once we arrived back at the Castle/ship Lance was laying on the couch in the Lounge Area, I walk up to him and hand him suppressants, he takes the bottle and takes some of the pills into his mouth. I then notice Keith still hasn't marked Lance, despite their 'bonding moment' a bit ago.

"So.." I hesitated before smirking when Keith walked in holding a watcher pouch, drinking it. "How was it?" I asked causing Lance to cough and blush a deep red and Keith to choke on his water. I burst out laughing holding onto Lance's shirt so I wouldn't fall off the couch.

Keith stopped choking and looked at me with a smirk, then  at Lance who was still coughing. "Lance was the bottom." He said. I laughed louder and ended up pulling Lance onto the floor with me we both sat there choking, coughing, and laughing satanically.


Okay maybe a few adult jokes is fine, right? yeah okay bye.

By the way sorry this is short, my siblings are annoying me today T^T

🤞🏽 Asian Trash out 🤞🏽


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