I laugh, swallowing my last bite of s'more. "Not everyone has an iron stomach like me, I suppose."

The car is parked in a parking lot about a mile away, and Aubrey and I hang back while the guys go to get the car and pick us up.

"Okay, I've kept my mouth shut as long as I could," Aubrey says as soon as the guys round the corner. "The sexual tension between you two is getting out of hand."

I laugh at her crudeness, and blush. "I am very sure that I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Are you sure about that? Because that possessive arm around the shoulder thing seemed very boyfriend-ish for someone who is not your boyfriend."

"Sin is not my boyfriend," I insist, struggling to meet her gaze.

"Then what was that territorial don't-touch-my-girl move he pulled in front Jack?"

I blush, remembering the moment when Jack was asking for my number and Sin suddenly felt affectionate.

"I don't know," I say honestly. "You're acting like Sin asks me before doing things."

"Fair point," she says, but doesn't give up. "But I've known Sin longer than you, and that was weird. And watching him stare at you with those puppy dogs eyes is quite frightening to be honest."

"Puppy dog eyes?" I repeat incredulously. There are a lot of things I would compare Sin to, but a puppy dog is not one of them.

She clasps her hands together, putting a starry-eyed look on and smiles at me. "Oh, Sunshine, hop on my motorcycle and feel my abs! Let me hold your hand and brush your hair as we run into sunset!"

I break my wall of denial and crack up laughing at Aubrey's impression of Sin.

"Seriously, the dude is usually so guarded and angry at the world that we can barely be around him. Not since he met you, though."

That sounds a lot like what Skylar told me.

Suspiciously so.

I narrow my eyes at Aubrey, who is conveniently not looking directly at me, and I cross my arms.

"Have you guys been talking about us behind our backs?!"

"No!" Aubrey immediately defends, but her denial wavers almost immediately. "I mean, we might have made a bet on whether or not you two would get together before Thanksgiving break, but that's not the same as-"

"You what?!"

"I didn't start it!" she insists. "And if it's any consolation, you've lasted much longer than most of us guessed. After you guys got into that fight, Beckett owed me $20."

I shake my head at my friends' ridiculous behavior.

Thankfully, Sin and Beckett pull the car up to the edge of the festival where Aubrey and I are waiting. We jump into the backseat and let them drive back toward the house.

"Are you guys hungry?" I ask them. "I can make something for lunch when we get back, if you want."

"It's your birthday, Ave!" Beckett exclaims. "We should be cooking for you, not the other way around."

I reach up in the front seat and ruffle his hair. "Aw, honey, that would be terrible, but the offer is very sweet."

"Hey, I can make cereal!" Beckett claims. "If the conditions are ideal."

"How about we order a pizza or something?" Aubrey suggests. "That way nobody has to cook."

Everyone agrees to that, and Beckett immediately starts planning which toppings he wants, practically drooling as he lists them aloud.

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