"It's not a lot, I know,"

"No, but sometimes a small time is enough,"

"Yeah, your son's incredible Mrs O'Malley, he's a kind person and a very good doctor,"

"Are you close to him?"

"I think we'd consider ourselves friends,"

"Mr O'Malley? You seemed to doing fine,"

The O'Malley's room was filled with people celebrating when Renee entered the room with Richard, Bailey and the interns to update Mr O'Malley for his next surgery which was his initial cancer surgery. 


"Quiet down," Mr O'Malley said over everyone

"Morning everybody," Mrs O'Malley greeted everyone.

"Good morning. Who's presenting?" Richard asked the interns.

"Yeah, George!" George's family cheered him.

"Harold O'Malley 63. Status-post aortic valve replacement. Morning chest x-rays showed no atelectasis after aggressive CPT for the last two days. Scheduled for a transhiatal esophagectomy tomorrow at 9. That's it."

"For the next few minutes, I think it would be best if the extended family wait in the waiting room," Bailey said.

"Just a few minutes guys and then you can come back." Mr O'Malley said.

"How are you feeling Mr O'Malley?" Renee asked.

"He's feeling great. "Better than ever," he says. Which is why we had everyone come out today. We figured that after today he maybe won't be feeling OK for a while." Mrs O'Malley said.

"After the surgery, then do we start chemo and stuff?"

"That protocol depends on what we find when we open you up Harold," Richard said.

"What do you mean, what you find?" Mr O'Malley asked.

"There's only so much they can tell from labs and scans, so we really need to get a look inside to see if cancer has spread," Renee said

"And if the cancer has spread, that changes how much chemo he needs?" Mrs O'Malley asked them.

"That changes a lot of things," Bailey answered.

"Like what?"

"I'll let Dr Foster explain, Harold. Dr Grey will be taking you through a final battery of pre-operative tests before we go,"

"So it would be best if the party went home."

"Dr Foster, what if cancer had spread?" Mrs O'Malley asked.

"If cancer has spread to other parts of your body, it becomes difficult to operate, it's called metastasis, cancer which has spread to the newer parts may not have the same characteristics as original cancer which makes it very difficult to treat,"

"So, what you are trying to say is that if it has spread to other parts you are not going to treat and leave him to die," Mrs O'Malley asked.

"Mrs O'Malley, Dr Foster is saying that she will try everything possible," Meredith interfered.

"We can't remove all the tumour, it will cause too much damage to your organs," Renee said as she held Mrs O'Malley's hands who looked ready to cry.

"Dr Foster?"

"Yes, Mr O'Malley?" 

"I need you to take the tumour out, all of it. I can fight and survive this, we O'Malley's are fighters, I can do this,"

"Karev, how did I tell you I like my charts? I like to round on pre-op before post-op

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"Karev, how did I tell you I like my charts? I like to round on pre-op before post-op. Do you like wasting my time? Is it fun for you?"

"No, Sir," Alex apologized to Mark.

"Then get it right," 

"Do you like abusing interns? Is it fun for you?" Addison asked him.

"Yes, it is. And in case you've forgotten, you don't get the high horse this week, Addison. Not this week." He said as he walked away towards the staircase where he sits on one of them his head in his hands.

"You okay?" Mark looks up to see Renee standing there, wearing her navy-blue scrubs, a coffee cup in her hands as she walked towards him.

"I'm fine," He said, the guilt making his throat close, she didn't know that Addison was pregnant with his baby. They had talked about having a family of their own but he ruined it and all their chances. The day he found about Renee and how her chances of conceiving were low, he couldn't get the thought out of his mind, how she was alone when she found out, how he wasn't there with her during that time.

"You are not good at lying," She stated as a matter of fact.

"I hate Seattle, it's wet and damp all the time, the interns are useless especially that Karev, I just want to go home,"

"What's stopping you?" She asked as she offered him her coffee.

"Apparently nothing, Derek's not talking to me, you are still angry with me, Addison's behaving like things between us didn't happen," As he sipped the coffee, instantly feeling better.

"You're still trying to make it work with Addison?"

"Yeah, still trying to make something out of a mistake,"

"Can I give you advice, not as your ex-girlfriend but from someone who knows you for a long ass time?" 


"Don't be so hard on yourself, you tend to do that, you tend to believe like you don't deserve anything or anyone. If Addison's not ready to be with you just let her go, it's making you miserable. It wasn't just your mistake, it was just as much as Addison's as it was yours. Let her go if she wants to be with you she'll come back," 

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