Lia | Same Floor (special?)

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A/N: this kind of took a while so i hope you enjoy! Can this count as a thank you 4k special? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K READS! YOU MAKE ME FEEL SPECIAL~

Choi Jisu - Same Floor


Your POV

It's been 4 years since I was forced to move in a small apartment with Lia. We had to struggle living in the tight space together for 4 years. It was tough. We were barely making ends meet. It was 4 years of struggle. Through heart break and stress, through triumph and tragedy, and comforting each other, we never opened up to each other. I don't know what she truly feels about me but I have developed a small liking towards Lia.


''What?'' She said, not looking up from her phone. Seriously? She's been acting really cold towards me these past few days. I slipped the phone out of her hands and put it inside my pocket. Lia didn't do anything but frown. She looks..cute.

''You're just going to ignore your apartment buddy of 4 years before we graduate? Shame on you Julia. We're finally going to get out of this dump.'' I flopped next to her on the bed, smiling. But all I heard from her were sniffles. She's crying?! ''Hey..Hey. Choi Lia? Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

''Jeon Y/N please get out of my room and give me my phone. Thank you.'' She whispered through her soft sobs. I felt bad. I should give her space..

''Just call me if you need anything okay? I'll be in my room.'' I fished her phone out of my pocket and gave it to her. Out of the blue, I felt the urge to kiss her, but I couldn't so I gave her a short peck on her forehead and left the room.

It was only 2 more days until we attend the convocation ceremony as we officially end our college years and she's doing this? I really question what's wrong. I should make her our favorite dish to make her feel better. I remember a few days ago when I told her I am going to get a job in another city, she looked really happy but her eyes told me otherwise.

Once I finished the dish, I called Lia to eat. She did eat but barely spoke so I decided to spark a conversation.

''Lia aren't you excited for graduation and finally moving out? I really can't wait to finally move out and earn money-''

''Please stop talking.'' Lia cut me off before putting her plate on the sink and saying a thank you when she went back in her room. I pressed my ear to the door, listening to her whimper and weep. I really wonder what's going on with her.

''I hate this. I wish there were more years to come..I'll miss him so much.'' The words were muffled but I could interpret them clearly. So she's sad that we'll be apart after college? I will still hang out with her even though college finished but that's impossible since we're now going in separate ways with me going to another city.

''I'll miss you too Lia..'' I muttered and did my nightly routine before going to bed.


I couldn't sleep. I have been thinking of Lia all night. I checked my phone and the time read 2:12 am. Gosh, I should really sleep but I couldn't stop thinking of her. Do I love her..?

Won't it be too late to confess now? Most of our apartment stuff is literally packed and we are leaving the next day after graduation. But the thing is- does she love me?

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