Chaeryeong | Guitar Boy

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A/N: hey guys I need some friends on this app. You guys should text me on here :D I want to talk to you peeps to know your preferences about stories so I can have better communications through short stories (:

not going to lie, this is probably one of my favorite ones I wrote so I hope you guys will enjoy this too. I think I might hold on writing the yuna fic I planned on. I just feel that this book is a good way to gain more followers first. I hope you all will understand but it will come. I'm not cancelling the fic lol.

Lee Chaeryeong - Guitar Boy ft. izone chaeyeon


Chaeryeong's POV

Ever since I was a kid, I loved nature. I thought of it as beautiful, alluring, captivating. By my parents and sister, they described me as a flower, blooming and beautiful. During school, I have often been bullied but my sister Chaeyeon was there to stick up for me. At times when I couldn't handle the mockery, going outside was my go to move even until now. I am a normal 18 year old who loves to dance, listen to music, play the guitar, and walk along where nature takes me.

One day during my trainee time period, Chaeyeon took me out for a short walk around town. Being the nature lover I was, I accepted her offer and happily skipped outside out house. We brought our dogs Chaeri and Chaeso along with us. I had my AirPods in while listening to music until Chaeyeon tapped my shoulder and pointed at a guy leaning on a tree quite far away with a guitar in his hands.

''Go talk to him! He seems really nice.'' My older sister pushed me to him but I refused. I am very awkward with boys. Chaeyeon was just playing with the dogs while I kept admiring the boy. I think he's about the same age as me. I hid behind from tree to bush to tree again to hear the melodic stings of the guitar. I really admired him so I peeked a bit but then our eyes met which made me flustered and look away. He's actually really cute..his smile.

I ran back to my sister and he was still looking at me while smiling so I shyly smiled back. The boy then stood up and placed the guitar on the the tree he was leaning on and left? Why did he do could get stolen. I watched him get in his car and drive away. I decided to go investigate since I got really curious about the guitar.

I ran my fingers through the strings of the guitar and smiled. I love this instrument. I left a small flower on the guitar for the boy if he comes back. I went back home with Chaeyeon and quickly took a shower. I didn't do anything else for the rest of the day except think of him. I couldn't fall asleep so I checked the clock and it is 2:43 am. I really should go to bed since I have training the next day.

After training, I went back to the park and saw him again. I unconsciously smiled seeing him there and playing. He noticed my presence and showed his killer smile with dimples. I blushed because he's so handsome. He did a hand gesture which asked me to come to him. I watched him put away the guitar in the same spot and came to me.

'' name is Y/N. Jeon Y/N. How about yours?'' He smiled again which made my stomach erupt with butterflies.

''I'm Chaeryeong. Lee Chaeryeong. Nice to meet you Jeon Y/N. And uh, quick question,'' He arched his brows, wanting to know the question. ''How old are you Y/N? I'm 16.''

''I'm 16 as well Chaeryeong! Let's hang out sometime. Here's my phone number let's keep in touch.'' Y/N input his contact in my phone as I did the same. He smiled brightly before having to go home. I couldn't help but put on smile all the way back home and even for the rest of the day.

Y/N and I meet up every day after practice and hung out every chance we got. He offered me to be his partner in a performance soon in a cafe because he thought I'd be a great singer and a guitarist along with him. Turns out he wrote songs and his father is the owner of the cafe and he wants Y/N to perform since he saw potential. We practiced his songs as much as we could until it was time we had to perform.

''Dad? This is Chaeryeong. She is the girl I told you about I met at the park a few weeks ago.'' Y/N smiled and wrapped an arm around me.

''Hello Chaeryeong. My son has said a lot of good things about you. I know you both will do great on stage but good luck anyways! It's nice finally meeting you.'' His dad had the same smile as him. They look similar and I found it cute. Y/N looks really happy..

''It's nice meeting you as well sir! We will do our best. You have raised your son well.'' I bow to him before Y/N and I took our spots on stage. I was a little frightened but Y/N held my hand to calm my nerves and thankfully, he succeeded. The crowd grew larger time by time which boosted Y/N's confidence. A few minutes before we started, Mr. Jeon, Y/N's father, gave us a thumbs up, also satisfied with the customers.

''Hello everyone! Welcome and the event is about to start. Thank you for coming!'' The lights in in the cafe dimmed as Y/N spoke. ''I am Jeon Y/N and this is Lee Chaeryeong. We hope you enjoy our performance!''

We flashed each other our bright smiles before we started to sing Y/N's songs. I never expected to be in this situation but I loved every second of it. We drowned into each other's eyes while our harmonious voices collided and filled the whole room, full of emotion and pureness. Our guitars are in tune which added more to our voices.

Y/N's songs had a lot of meaning. It is very touching to the audience as we delivered the songs into reality. The sweet lyrics lingering, making the crowd emotional at some point. It was very fun performing, ecstatic.

Y/N's dad is very joyful about our performance and decided to treat us to dinner afterwards since our performance finished around 9. We chatted a lot until it was time for me to go home. Before that, Y/N took me to the rooftop of his penthouse and we stargazed until late. I was careless about the time, thankful I got to spend a lot of time with him. At one point, it just came to the point were it felt romantic, as if we were already dating. I felt the urge to kiss him..

''Chaeryeong..'' Y/N softly spoke before leaning in and kissing me, side cupping my cheek. I returned the kiss immediately and got on his lap, encircling my arms around his neck, also playing with his soft hair. I wanted to savor this moment and this is when I realized that..

I love him..

He took me home afterwards and I was glad I got to kiss him..because I thought that would be the last time I will see him. He and his father went missing after that day. Worried filled me for such a long time. Y/N never contacted me. I cried every night, thinking of him. Missing him. Everything about him.

I visit the park everyday and the guitar remained untouched. I had to let him go. To say my final goodbye and starting a new chapter of my life without him, I left the same flower on his guitar the first time I saw him.

2 years later, I debuted in a group called ITZY. I am thankful for my beloved 4 other members who helped me through my trainee days and finally debuting. We are having our first concert today. I was very motivated..all of my courage and confidence came from that Guitar Boy from the park I met..Jeon Y/N, I miss you...I will do my best for you every time. I will show you what you've made me. Thanks Y/N..Thank you so much my Guitar Boy for making me who I am today.

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