Yuna | Lie Detector

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A/N: i got this idea from a memory when I accidentally shocked myself with a toy gun. when you pull the trigger on the toy gun, it shocks you and that just gives me flashbacks of how stupid I was lmao that was irrelevant but enjoy folks

Shin Yuna - Lie Detector


"Yo Y/N! Looking for someone? Helloooo???!?" My child hood friend, Joon Hyeong, tapped my shoulder while I was zoning out. Zoning out...oh sh-

I must have been staring at Yuna for too long since I was mesmerized by her beauty. Shin Yuna, my crush, is sitting on a table far from me. It is currently lunch time and she is with her friends Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, and Chaeryeong. I'm not very close with them except for Chaeryeong and her sister Chaeyeon. I told Chaeryeong about my feelings for Yuna and she promised to help me out.

"DUDE!" Joon Hyeong yelled right to my ear. I faced him and gave him an annoyed look.


"I've been calling you for the past 10 times! What are you staring at?" He looks at my direction and smirks. "Ohhhhh...I see. It's okay eheheheh." He chuckled. I mentally face palmed myself for that, embarrassed. I still continued to look at Yuna though..until she turned around and met my eyes.

I immediately panicked but Yuna smiled at me. Being the calm person I am, I waved back, returning the smile from ear to ear. I then met Chaeryeong's eyes. They told me that I was being too obvious so I looked away and talked to Joon Hyeong with a teasing smile.

"Someone's got a crush.." He poked my cheek but I swatted it away.

"It's not like you don't have a crush on Ms. Shin Ryujin as well ha." I fired back. He pouted at me and crossed his arms.


"Hi Y/N and Joon Hyeong. We are going to have a party tonight with just us but Chaeryeong decided to invite you so..can you come?" Yuna approached us with the rest of the girls behind her. I just gulped at the sight I'm seeing right now. I couldn't utter a word. "Uhh..can you?" Yuna repeated.

I mentally slapped myself for embarrassing myself again. "Uh- um yes I can I don't know about Joon-"

"YES I CAN COME!" Joon Hyeong interrupted while drooling over at Ryujin's figure in front of him.

"Uh..okay. Here give me your number so I can text you the address and time." Yuna handed me her phone so I input in my contact before they left. Chaeryeong sent me a wink and I returned it. Joon Hyeong looked at me suspiciously.

"What's..going on? Are you sure you like Yuna or Chaeryeo-"

"Shut it. Someone might hear." I cut him off as I shove my hands on his mouth. He was still trying to talk through my hands but it all just came out as muffles. I finally released after he didn't speak. He looked at me before speaking again.

"Anyways did you see how pretty Ryujin's hair is today? She's so cute!" Joon Hyeong hugged himself, pretending it's Ryujin he's hugging. Single life for him.

"Psh, yeah whatever. The bell rung so hurry up or else we'll be late!" I already got up and dashed across the cafeteria and into class.

Just in time, Joon Hyeong arrived and took his seat next to me. "Dude you didn't even eat. You were just staring at Yuna." He clicked his tongue. My heart started racing as he said "Yuna" because she is literally 2 seats away and could have heard that. I pinched Joon Hyeong's arm as he winced in pain.

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