Ryujin | Photograph Date

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A/N: guys this book reached 1.9k reads! you all are insane! thank you so much <3

i will always do my best to make you guys happy with my content.

Shin Ryujin - Photograph Date


Your POV

Whenever someone asks, ''What is your favorite thing to do,'' right off the bat, photography comes in mind. Ryujin and I are just obsessed with film cameras. We love capturing moments. I guess you could say it would be our hobby. Ryujin is someone who brought photography to my life. While during my primary to middle school days, I hated getting my pictures taken. I hated being recorded. My dad always used to say, ''Y/N! Look at your sister Heejin. She's making memories by snapping pictures!'' I have always admired my older sister Heejin. She tried getting me into photography but I wouldn't budge. I don't know what was in Ryujin that helped me work with her with photography

Today, we are going to take random photos of anything interesting with out film cameras while going on a friendly date. I am going to pick up Ryujin from her house and tour the whole city, creating memories. Little does she know that I'll have a surprise for her. Secretly, I've been having a crush on my ''best friend.'' Heejin gave me advices for girl stuff so I'd say I'm prepared. I already see Ryujin on her phone as I pull up on her driveway. I wave her in and she happily got inside my car.

''I'm so excited! I'm going to keep these in my memory box.'' Ryujin kissed her film camera and smiled widely. This girl is so cute! I couldn't help but smile.

''Ryujin you're freaking adorable now let's go to the park! I'm taking you to an amusement park too by the way.'' I winked at her which made her ears turn red. Ryujin looked away so that I won't notice she's blushing but I mean, I do flirt all the time and it's just that she's so oblivious. I have hinted so many times and she still doesn't get it. ''By the way you look good Ryu.''

''Thanks and you too.''


''Y/N! Look it's a cute cat!'' Ryujin tugged my sleeve and pointed to a cute stray cat. Like a flash, she snapped a picture and giggled. I pinched her cute cheeks and continued walking throughout nature. Normally I'm patient with Ryujin but I just couldn't help to hurry on with my plan.

After more minutes of walking, we finally decided to go to the amusement park. Ryujin kept squealing because of the cute dogs and cats we passed by while heading to our destination. ''Ryujin-ah? Promise me you won't be a scaredy cat?''


''AHHHHHHHHH!'' I obviously regret asking Ryujin that since once we were at the peak of the roller coaster ride, I hugged Ryujin's arm as tight as I could, shutting my eyes while she enjoys it. She kept laughing at my horrified expression after we got off and like I expected, she snapped a picture. ''Stop. That was bad.''

''Y/N you look funny. Anyways I'm hungry lets get ice cream.'' Ryujin has always been a big fan of ice cream. Like, who wouldn't? I love ice cream! Since I'm a gentleman, I paid for both of our ice creams.

''Ryujin you have something on your lips.'' I smirk, prank time.

''No I don't? Where?" As she says that, I lightly shove her ice cream on her face, leaving a little smudge. How cute! I snapped a picture and laughed evilly. ''Yah! You're so mean..''

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