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I thought the picture was really cool. And the song is called Time To Say Goodbye and its really sad. Its one of Twenty One Pilots old songs and its really sad and meaningful. I just want ya'll to listen to it. Anywho. I'm thinking of ending this story soon. Mainly cause Secrets And Lies is going to take me a while to finish and I wanna get working on it more. But also because I feel like it's coming to and end. 

By the way if any of you guys are confused, when Dipper has the dreams, it's not his actual body thats experiencing it, its his soul. 

One more thing. 

The translation of the demon chant was supposed to be "As the beast with one eye meets its end, this dimensions walls I bend! From Heaven and Hell to earth and fire, grant me what I most desire, I call upon a higher power, from my spot upon this tower! Demon fear what comes ahead, for today you meet your end!" But friggin Google Translate been stupid and made it not make any sense at all. So yee. If you got something that didn't make sense at all, thats what its supposed to me. @Niffler_Girl helped me with it so go thank her for making that a thing! 

Okay okay. One ONE more thing. 

I totally forgot the original plan was to put the mind reader thingie on Dippers head. But I personally think this version is better. So sorry about that XD. Enjoy!

I choked out not being able to breathe before I blacked out. I saw Lilly in the corner and Bill was no longer there. Probably inhabiting my body. But that didn't mean the pain went away. I looked at my hands and noticed blood dripping onto them. My eye and mouth were bleeding. Everywhere Bill had marked me. Was bleeding. 

I clutched my eye feeling the amount of blood pouring out. It was as if someone had cut my eye out. And it felt like it too. Blood was pouring out of my mouth like a waterfall. I could feel my eyes roll back into my head. But I was trying to keep them normal. If I was going to die, I wanted to die holding Lilly. 

I crawled over to her and placed my hand in hers. She clutched it. And we stayed there together in ultimate darkness. 


I watched in horror. I wanted to do something but I knew I couldn't. Dipper was shaking like crazy and screaming. It was like a violent movie. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. I could feel tears running down my cheeks. I was worried on what would happen to my brother. 

Thats when Dippers eyes rolled back into his head and he momentarily laid still. For a second I thought he was dead. But then, his eyes came back. But they weren't Dippers brown eyes. They were Bill's yellow eyes. A big grin appeared on Dippers face. The scene was so utterly disturbing that I will permanently be scarred from it. 

"Well Well Well if it isn't old sixer! And shooting star!" He looked around. "The whole gang's here! Nice to see you all again!" Ford's face looked dark and grim. "Get out of my nephew's body." He said in a cold voice. "Hmmmmm how about no!" I could tell Ford was doing all he could do to not attack Bipper. 

Ford said some more things in gibberish before Bill's grin dissapeard. "What are you doing?? I'm so close! Stop it right now!" Flames appeared on the outside of the circle. Bipper pulled on his bonds but they had some magic to them. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" He screeched. 

Fords face was hard to explain. The light of the fire put a glare on his glasses and there were ashes blowing everywhere. His face was cold and stone hard. With one final angry bellow and a blinding light, it was silent. Dipper's body laid in the grass. The area around him had ashes all over it and the circle was burned. Dipper laid on his side. The ropes were broken and his eyes were closed. 

It was silent and motionless for a second before I spoke up. "What are we all doing just standing here?? Someone help Dipper!" Ford stepped toward him avoiding the scorched grass. He stopped. "We have to see if he's alive first." He said it as if it wasn't a high chance that Dipper could be alive. My heart was racing and my hands were shaky and sweaty. I took a shaky breath. Dipper had to be alive. He was my brother. My brave, strong, dorky brother. 

Ford checked his pulse and for a split second, everyone stayed still. "I'm getting a faint pulse. He's alive." I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I saw that Dipper had this massive scar that crossed the eye that was like Bills. That worried me. Ford picked up Dipper and we put out the remaining embers of fire, then walked back to the Shack. For Dipper to get some well deserved rest. 


I stayed in that position. Crying my eyes out. Lilly held me. After what felt like a decade, I felt Lilly disintegrate in my hands. I didn't want this. I loved her. I didn't want her to go. I will never forget the last words she said to me. "I love you Dipper. And I will always be with you." Then, I was alone in my mind. No Bill. But no Lilly. 

I woke up in my bed at the Shack. I had something around my eye. But I couldn't tell what it was. I was tired but I couldn't go back to sleep. The room was bright and I could hear the birds chirping outside. I sat up and rubbed my eye. Mabel was on the other side of the room on her phone. When she saw me, she hurried over to me and sat on the ground smiling. 

"He's gone Dipper. He's gone forever." those were the only words I wanted to hear. The only words I wanted to hear for so long. And they finally came out of  someones mouth. I was so happy I started to cry. 

Then I remembered Lilly. She was gone. I knew that someday I would see her again and we could finally be together again. But it still hurt loosing her. "M-Mabel." I said. "Lilly is- she's gone." Mabel hugged me. "On the bright side," Mabel said while hugging me. "We still have the paper Lilly." 

Mabel had a point. But I would feel bad replacing the real Lilly with just a clone of her. I knew what I had to do in order to make things right. "Mabel? Can you get her up here?" She nodded and went downstairs. 

Soon enough, Lilly and Mabel walked upstairs. Lilly ran over to me when she saw me. "Oh my goodness your okay!" "Yeah I'm okay. Hey Mabel? Can I talk to Lilly in private?" Mabel nodded and then walked back down the stairs. 

"Lilly.... I know what I have to do to you but I don't know if I can do it." Lilly smiled. "Its okay Dipstick. It would be for the best. Besides, I am apart of Lilly's soul. It would be better if I was with the real Lilly." Tears rimmed my eyes again. Then without thinking, I kissed her. 

I was crying by the time we pulled apart. She was crying as well. 

Apparently Mabel was hiding behind the door. I told her she could come in. She needed to see me do this. I grabbed the glass of water by my bed. "Goodbye Lilly." "Goodbye Dipper." Then, splashed her without hesitation.

Mabel understood that it had to be done. She didn't say anything but we stared at the puddle below us. Then, for the third time that day, I burst out into tears. 

Hai guys. 

Did u cry?

Don't worry. Your not the only one who's crying. 

Well this is probably going to be the second to last chapter. And maybe (if you guys really really want it) i'll do a book about Lilly's past. I'm thinking it will be called something like Shattered Glass. 


Here's a song I really wanted to use for this book (but I forgot) It's On Us by AJR. 

 Have a good day/night/afternoon my friens. 

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