Try Again

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Okay but like. 

That picture is cool. 

Also one more thing. Go and read @Caryisboss 's story Little Did She Know. The one that only has two chapters. It's connected to the same universe as this one is in so Lilly is in it! Its really good too! Also by the way, Lilly's last name is Hatter cause I thought it was adorable. (Gwen if you need to ask me any questions for your book, just message me and I'll answer them for you ;) ) 

I watched as Pacifica walked off. She looked like she was holding something in her hands. But I couldn't see. I don't know what I did wrong, but she seemed bummed out. I hoped that she wasn't mad at me. Maybe I should text her.. 

I was interrupted out of my thoughts when Lilly lightly shook me. "Dipper? You okay?" "Yeah I just zoned out.. Hey did you know anything off about Pacifica?" "Thats what I was thinking. Maybe we should go and visit her. She seemed sad." "Yeah thats a good idea. Mabel will want to come. Lets go. We can take the golf cart." She nodded and we headed inside. The sun was getting close to being down but we thought that we could pay Pacifica a visit. Besides, we hadn't actually talked to her in a while.

I drove the golf cart while Mabel ranted on about how excited she was to go visit Pacifica. Mabel sat in the back while Lilly sat next to me. "Hey Mabes, can you tell me Paz's new address?" I knew her family had to move somewhere but I never been there before. Only Mabel had. "Sure Dipping Dot!" She read the address out loud and soon enough, we arrived. 

The house looked like a regular Middle Class house. We walked up to the doorstep and rang the doorbell. We stood there for about two seconds before we heard yelling. It wasn't audible but we could all tell that it wasn't yelling at the door, it was yelling toward a person. Then we heard a sound like someone falling on the floor. "Mabel, check to see if the door is open." I said very calmly even though I was burning with anger. I had a good idea of what was happening on the inside.

Mabel jiggled the doorknob. "Its unlocked." "Good. Lets go inside." Mabel nodded. In spite of my social anxiety, I knew what we were doing was the right thing. When we walked into the house, we saw Pacifica on the ground with her dad standing over her. He looked very angry. I don't think he noticed us because he kept yelling at her. "When will you learn to be PERFECT!?! We RAISED YOU to be PERFECT! Not a selfish BRAT who cost us our fortune!" He raised a hand but Lilly ran forward and stood in front of him. 

"I have no idea who you are, but I will NOT let you hit her." she said in a deep voice. Mabel walked up next to her followed by me. "Yeah. Don't you dare touch her." Mabel said. Her dad scoffed. "Or else what Pines Scum?? Your going to fight me?" I shook my head. "No. But there are people that we could tell about this." Pacifica's dad turned pale while Lilly helped Paz up. "Come on Pacifica." Mabel said. "Let's leave this dumb place." 

We took Pacifica to the golf cart and drove back to the shack. This time Lilly sat in the back with Mabel. Pacifica said that she would feel more safe by me. Whatever that means. 

We drove back to the Shack and when we got there, Pacifica got out of the Golf Cart and the first thing she did was hug Me, Mabel, and Lilly. "Thank you guys so much from saving me from that hell. I don't know how much longer I could have taken it." Lilly put her hand on Pacifica's shoulder and smiled sadly. "Your welcome. Unfortunately I went through the same thing." Pacifica hugged her. "I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot." I interrupted "Wait you di-" Lilly smiled. "Its okay. Lets start over. Try again." Pacifica bowed and said in a fancy voice "I am Pacifica Elise Northwest of Gravity Falls. And you m'lady?" Lilly returned the bow and said in her own fancy voice "I am Lilly Bee Hatter of California. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance Lady Pacifica." 

They laughed and walked into the Shack together linking arms. 

I always never understood girls. 

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