Pro Tip: Clara is a female dog

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Somehow I was able to survive three days into the apocalypse with no adult supervision when I was twelve. 

But I can't handle a small panic attack. 

Okay maybe it wasn't small since I passed out but I woke up. Eventually. When I did, I was laying on a cot in the nurses office and I felt awful. My hands were still shaking a little bit and my forehead was moist from how much I was sweating. I groaned and I heard Mabel's voice next to me. "Oh Thank goodness! Your alive!" she then continued to tackle me with a hug. On the bright side my sister still cared. 

I sat up and retrieved my hat. "Of course I'm alive. Wait did you think I was gonna die?" I ask with a grin. She lightly slaps me. "They didn't tell me anything! Just for me to come to the nurses office cause you were here! I panicked!" "Well you can stop panicking now. I just had a Panic attack." She slapped me again. "You stupid head! How bad was it!? Nurse Mabel demands to know!" She folded her arms across her chest. "Uh... Not bad?" I shrugged. "Well it was obviously bad enough to land you here you dolt!" "Touché sister. Can I go back to class now?" Mabel rubbed her temples. "School is over. We can go home now." "Oh well in that case." I stood up but wobbled. Mabel caught me and I was grateful she was there. 

We must have been the only ones left in the school. But when we walked out, there were a few kids there. "Give me a sec to call mom." Mabel said pulling out her cell phone. While I waited, I pulled out mine. We spent our fourteenth birthday in Gravity Falls. When I was there, I got Wendy and Pacifica's phone numbers. No matter what Mabel says about me being awkward around girls, I have two girls contacts in my phone so I must be doing something right. I haven't figured it out yet though. 

I tapped on Wendy's contact. Her contact name was Flannel Friend. I thought it was funny so I changed it. I started to text her. 

D: Sup? 

W: Hey dude! When is the next time you and your sister are coming up to Gravity Falls? Its become boring at the shack without you guys! D:

D: Sorry we haven't been coming up. I just can't handle the kind of possibility that a certain demon might be roaming the streets. 

There was more to that then I said. I wasn't just worried about that, I was terrified about that. If me and Mabel went to Gravity Falls and Bill was back, I don't know how much longer I could have hold it in. I know its not smart to keep these feelings in and if you don't talk about it then you will explode. Well this is different. A literal dream demon was in my body. I didn't want that to happen again.  

W: Oh him? Dipper. Come on. You guys killed him like, a bajillion years ago. You need to get over it man. Besides, if he is somehow still alive, you know that we've got your back. ;)

D: Thanks. How is everyone up there doing?

W: Better then ever! Soos is really happy with his current job, your two great uncles are still out there somewhere on their ship, and Pacifica rants to me every day how much she misses you. Dude if you don't come back soon, I think she's going to explode XD

I started to type a reply but never got to. That girl who took me to the nurses office (somehow) Clara, she started to approach me with two groupies. I'd seen her before but never talked to her. She reminded me of a more tan version of Pacifica. Her caramel hair fell over her shoulders and she was wearing a white blouse with a blue and white skirt that went halfway down her thighs. 

She had tan skin and caramel eyes. She was wearing so much makeup that I literally could not look at her face. "Well if it isn't Mr. Panic pants." She said with a grin. Yup. She was definitely one of those people that acts perfect around teachers and adults but is terrible when around fellow students. Great. I scoffed. "Can you get your fake eyelashes out of my face please? Seriously. Did you put on your makeup with a paint brush or something cause theirs obviously something going on there."  

She ignored my comment but rolled her eyes. "As you might have known, I am new to this school. But I've heard rumors about you. What do they call you? Dipper?" I'm guessing she was expecting a different reaction. But she didn't get it. "Yes that is my name." "Oh come on. That can't be your real name. Its so stupid." "Congratulations! You got one thing in your life right! Yes Dipper isn't my real name but you don't get to know it." "I've heard theirs a reason why they call you that. Don't you have a birthmark?" 

She finally got to me and my face went red. I heard her and her friends laughing. "Lets see it then." She reached her hand out to my hat. I struggled. "Hey! Don't touch the hat!" "Or else? Your gonna dork me into tomorrow? I'd like to see you try nerd! Come on show me what you've got!" This scene felt familiar. She tossed the hat to one of her friends and put her fists up. Too familiar. "W-Whoa. L-Lets not get too-" Before I knew it, she swiped my hair above my forehead and saw the mark. Her and her friends started to laugh even harder. "It's even more hideous then I imagined!" "I know right?" one of her friends said. 

"See? This is what happens to dorks where I come from nerd!" Clara raised a fist and I just sat there against the brick wall petrified. Her fist soon collided with my face. Then again. And again. And again. Soon, there was six fists on me. Why did this scene have to feel like what Bill had said to me the first day of Weirdmageddon?? I started to breathe heavily and shake again. Tears spilled out of my eyes. How long was Mabel gonna take on a simple phone call?? I got my answer soon. 

"Clara! Someones coming! Lets go." Clara looked at me. "This isn't over freak." She jogged off with her friends leaving me bruised, bloody, and broken. 

Mabel walked over on her phone. "Hey Dipstick. Mom said she'll be here soon- OH MY GOSH!" I heard her phone drop to the ground. She ran over to me and put her hands on my shoulders. "Dipper?? Are you okay?" She rolled me over and when she saw my face, gasped. "Its bad isn't it?" "Oh yeah. Come on. Lets get you sitting upright." She leaned me against the brick wall. By then, we were the only kids left there. "How did this happen??" "This girl. Her and her friends attacked me." "Are you okay?" I shook my head. "She-" I hesitated. "She reminded me of Bill. She used almost the exact words that he used when he took Ford." I felt my eyes well up in tears. She hugged me. "Its okay. Moms gonna be here soon. We can get you fixed up when we get home okay? Then we can eat Ice Cream! Doesn't that sound fun?" I smiled. "Thanks Mabel."    

fun fact: Clara was originally going to be a protagonist instead of an antagonist. 

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