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Not only do you guys get a picture... (which by the way, I think this picture really described Mabel and Dipper's personality throughout this book.)


You have no right to sue me if this makes you cry like a baby. 

You have been warned. 

I woke up around ten in the morning because of the stupid sunlight. The girls were still asleep so I had to step around them. You know that feeling you get when you cry right before bed? Where you feel drowsy and sticky and like you slept forever? Thats how I was feeling. 

I rubbed my eyes as I walked down the stairs. Too careless to dress out of my pajamas. I reached the bottom and went to the kitchen to find Stan and Ford looking at some sort of map at the table. Ford looked up at me and chuckled. "Finally. One of them is up. I had no idea kids these day sleep in till one in the afternoon." I was going to laugh but I decided I was too tired for that so I smiled. "Yeah. Ten in the morning is like waking up at six in the morning for us." 

Stan and Ford laughed. I felt less tired when I ate. After I changed, Ford asked me to go wake up the girls because their parents wanted them home soon. So I walked up the steps. It was too light to catch any shadows. Thank the heavens for that. 

I went up armed with a spoon, and pan. I took a squirt bottle too just in case the noise didn't work. I inhaled, slowly held up the spoon and pan, and then banged them together as hard as I could." It took a while and I thought I would have to use the squirt bottle, but they eventually woke up. I grinned while holding the door open for them to file out and go to the bathroom "Good morning girls! Did you all get your beauty sleep last night? You all look lovely!" Their bed head was so terrible, I almost burst out laughing.

I was met with a dozen sleepy eyed glares and a pillow in the face from Mabel. Totally worth it. 

I chilled downstairs for a few seconds until Mabel came down in a dark green sweater that had a purple spade on it. (*casually makes svtfoe reference*) with high tops, and shorts that went down just above her thighs. She was glaring at me while I pushed back the urge to laugh.

"What's with the long face for dear sister?" She slapped me lightly. "Next time you interrupt a lady's sleep, you'll regret it." I sipped the soda I was holding and shrugged. "I was only doing what Grunkle Ford told me to do." "Did he ask you to wake us up with a pan and spoon??" "That was mostly Grunkle Stan's idea." 

Mable face palmed then she grabbed my wrist. "Wait what are you doing?" "I figured we would go adventuring. As much as I hate you right now, you need a de stresser right now. Don't you think I heard what happened last night." "Wait wait wait wait wait. You heard that?? I thought you were uh.. sleeping." "Dipper, I was way to tired to answer you. I would if I could but my voice wasn't working. Besides, adventuring always helps you clear your mind right if I do say so myself which I do say so myself I just said if I do say so myself way to many times If I do say so myself!"

I mean, Mabel had a point (and not about the if i do say so myself thing. Although she did say it way to many times.) Adventuring does help me clear my mind. "Okay one second. I gotta pack my stuff." "Oh boo! We could be going right now!" I looked at her. "Do you want to end up trapped in a cave with no equipment?" "Psh!" I looked at her skeptically. "Okay no I don't. Just go and get your nerd stuff." 

I walked back upstairs to our room where I kept the pack that I brought on Adventures with me. In there I put a flashlight, my journal, multiple pens, Mabel's grappling hook, some food, me and Mabel's phones, and a first aid kit. Wendy didn't leave the Shack because first of all: She still works there and second of all, she was eighteen and technically an adult so she didn't really have to go home. We said bye to her and Soos on our way out and walked out the door. 

------------------------TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY THOR'S NEW TWINK TARTS--------------

The forest was always a peaceful place for me. I loved everything about it. The way it smelled, the way it looked, and more. The only thing that was annoying was that it was infested with monsters that can be really annoying sometimes. But other than that, the forest was a pretty good place to chill. 

I didn't know that it would soon become my least favorite place. 

We walked deeper into the Forest not knowing where we were going. I was looking all around so that I wouldn't run into any stray gnomes until Mabel stopped. I ran into her. "Ow! Mabel, what the heck!" She turned around smiling nervously. "Y-You know what? The forest probably isn't the best place to clear your mind! Lets go home now." She tried to push me in the opposite direction but it didn't work.

"Mabel, what are you hiding." I tried to go around her but she kept blocking me. "Dipper, do you trust me on this." "Well if your planning on getting me back on what I did this morning then no. Come on Mabes! Just let me pass!" I kept trying but I couldn't get past her. Then I looked at a random tree and said "Is that a family of squirrels?" "SQUIRRELS??" "Yeah and I think they have baby squirrels with them. Their so fluffy! And small!" Mabel couldn't contain herself anymore. She ran off to find the non existent squirrels. Piece of cake. 

I looked where she was blocking and saw a shape a few yards away from us. I walked toward it to see if it was a monster or something that freaked Mabel out. I was wrong. It was something much much worse. 

By the time I got to the statue, I stopped dead in my tracks. "Gosh dangit Dipper!" I said to myself. "Why didn't you just listen to Mabel!" Mabel arrived later and saw me staring at the statue's one eye in horror. I fell to my knees unaware on what was happening. 

Right in front of me, was a statue of Bill Cipher himself. And it triggered something I didn't want to feel again. But it happened. More flashbacks came back. It was almost like a fast paced slideshow inside my head but I would take an hour long Math Slideshow and video any day then this. 

I squeezed my eyes shut and clung to my head. "Make it stop make it stop." I said. My head was hurting like hell. Being at the source where we defeated him made the visions 100% worse. It was almost like I was reliving them. It was almost like his spirit was in my head. If it was, I wanted it out. 

I fell onto the grass and opened my eyes thinking that would make the pictures go away. But it didn't. I felt Mabel pick my head up. She was hugging me. I could tell she was talking but whatever she was saying I couldn't hear her. I saw her dig around in my pack and take out her phone. She dialed a contact on it and frantically spoke to the person on the other line. 

When she was done, she put her arms around me and hugged me. She said something and I could hear her. "I don't know if this helps Dipper. But don't worry. Our friends are coming. I'm going to help you out of this." 

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