Dreams and Nightmares

638 17 21

I mean, how could you not like the picture.

Come on. 

Its epic. 

Also, sorry if this chapter sucks. Writers block sucks guyyyysssssssss! 

Mabel is back again!

Dipper was released from the hospital at night time. He was sent home with several prescriptions. The drive home was more fun then the drive up. We dropped off Wendy and Pacifica at their houses then drove back to the Shack. 

We wanted to stay up and catch up with everyone. Especially Soos. But Grunkle Stan made us go to bed. 

I thought about the conversation me and Dipper had today. About one of my closest friends. Lilly. The thought of her made me sad. I missed her. I tried to not think about her but my thoughts just kept circling back to her. To make things worse, I couldn't sleep. After a few hours, I couldn't bear it anymore. I turned around and faced my brothers bed. "Dipper?" He didn't answer. Just to see if he was okay, I walked over to him. 

He was sound asleep. He didn't look like he was having any nightmares. Which made me feel good. I noticed he had dark circles around his eyes. It probably felt good to have a night with no nightmares. I climbed back into bed and stared at the ceiling at all of the moldy spots that I named. I closed my eyes again. Glad to be back where my people were. 

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