Chapter fourty - Grief

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The next morning Sam was already awake and holding his sleeping boyfriend in his arms. He had already called Rowena in hope she could fix him.

When Gabriel woke up he was disoriented. He then remembered what had happened. "Sam?"


"I don't feel good. My stomach hurts." He sat up.

Sam just smiled at him. "You're probably hungry."

"Oh, right." Gabriel snapped his fingers wanting to make some candy appeared before he realized that he couldn't. He looked down. Sadness filling his eyes.

The hunter just made him look at him and smiled reassuringly. "Let's get you something to eat. What do you think about pancakes?"

They went into the kitchen where Sam quickly cooked some pancakes and gave them to him. Gabriel unenthusiasticly poked them with his fork. He didn't feel like eating. He didn't feel like doing anything. But he ate some anyway just so that Sam wouldn't worry too much about him.

"I called Rowena so she could take a look at you I hope that's okay." Sam just smiled at him and waited for an answer. Gabriel just nodded.

Sam didn't like that he was being quiet again. He didn't want him to recoil back into himself. He would fix this and if it was the last thing he would do.

When Gabriel was done with eating Rowena came over and scanned over him using her magic. "You want the good news or the bad news first?"

"There are good news?" Sam smiled he thought maybe just maybe this could be easier than he thought.

"He's alright. His body is healthy and he'll live a long life. But I don't think I can do anything in regards to getting his grace back. I'll read up on it. Maybe there's something in the book of the damned." She gave them a sorry smile and left. Sam went to tell the other archangels that Gabe was awake.

While he was doing that Gabriel was sitting on their bed and staring at his hands. He tried to conjure things up but it didn't work. The longer he stared ar his hands the more frustrated he got. He stood up pacing around the room swearing under his breath. This was unfair. He couldn't understand why this happened to him and why now. What did he do to deserve this?

Angry he threw a chair to the ground and stormed into the bathroom to look at himself. He hated this hated himself. Sure he had thought about giving up his grace but he didn't really want to and if he did he would want to do so under his own terms.

"You like this?! Are you happy? Is this good story writing material?! Fuck you!" He screamed at the ceiling. Just then Sam came back.

"We'll fix this, Gabe."

"How?! How will you fix this?! I'm a mess and useless." Without really wanting to Gabriel directed his anger towards Sam.

"Look, you're not useless. Don't ever say that. You're-" Sam put his hand on the other's shoulder but it just got hit away.

"Don't lie to me! I can't fight. All I ever did was rely on my powers! I don't even know how to fucking cook." Gabriel didn't know why he was angry and why he was screaming at the one person that tried his best to help him. Tears rolled down his cheeks. "How can you be so sure? How can you say that? I-"

Sam just pulled him into a hug ignoring his protest. "Because I love you and you're incredible no matter if you have powers or not. You mean everything to me."

This just made the other cry more. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I-"

"Don't apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for." He put his hand on the other's face making him look up at him. A soft smile adorned his face. "You'll be okay. I'm here for you and so are they." He pointed behind him where the angels were standing alongside Dean and Jack.

Dean smiled at the mess in his brother's arms. "Like it or not but you're family an we've got you."

"I bet I can somehow get your grace back I just need to practice some more." Jack spoke up.

Gabriel wiped tears from his eyes. "Thank you all." A small smile crept onto his face before he looked at his brothers. "But you guys should probably leave. God won't be happy if you stay involved and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nah, not gonna happen." Lucifer just brushed him off.


"As much as I hate to say it but I agree with Lucifer. Dad is going down." Michael smiled. "We're not leaving."

Raphael just nodded. "They're right. You can't get rid of us that easily not again."

"Thank you." Gabriel's smile grew brighter. Angel or not he would be fine. It sucked but he had the best, complicated but best, family anyone could wish for. He was a Winchester.

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