Chapter two - First Words

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As the sun rose so did Sam. He knew that his brother would return around noon so he wanted to take care of Gabriel until then. So he got up early to make their guest breakfast.

After he cooked some bacon and made pancakes he knocked at Gabriel's door. But as nobody answer, he just went in. To his delight, he saw that the cake he had left was gone.

"I brought you some breakfast since I don't really know if you need to eat. You know since you're low on angel juice." Sam placed the plate in front of the other. "I hope you like bacon and pancakes."

After what seemed like forever Gabriel looked up and moved towards Sam and the food. He was still scared of the other. But he was hungry and seeing as Sam didn't really move he just took the risk.

Sam just smiled at the other to reassure him. He was happy to see the other eat something and after he was done Sam slowly stood up.

This startled Gabriel for a second but he managed to calm himself quite quickly.

"How about a bath so we can get you all cleaned up?" Sam held his hand out and was actually surprised as the other grabbed it. He led him into the bathroom and started the water.

"I'm gonna get some clothes that you can change into afterward. I'll be right back."

Gabe was a bit skeptical at first because he wanted to stay with the other. But he decided to wait.

As Sam came back he had a few fresh clothes inside his hands which he then put down on a little chair.

"Okay, so I'm gonna help you get these off." Sam smiled. "Please lift your arms if that's possible."

The angel did as he was told and Sam carefully started to lift up his shirt. He proceeded to undress the other.

As Gabriel was naked and his wounds were fully visible Sam was getting more and more worried. The angel was covered in multiple pretty bad wounds which he hadn't seen before.

"I'm gonna patch you up after we got you cleaned up." He helped the other into the bathtub and got his hair wet. As he started to apply shampoo to his hair he noticed how Gabriel looked at him.

The angel's eyes were kind of hopeful and as if he would want to say sorry or something like that. He also seemed kind of embarrassed. The hunter thought that he kind of looked like a lost dog.

Sam carefully took the sponge and started to clean the other's body. He started at the neck and slowly made his way down. He tried to be as delicate as he could because he didn't want to hurt the other.

After he had finished cleaning his body Sam put the sponge away and moved his hands towards Gabriel's face where he gently started to rub off any blood or dirt that was left.

As they had washed off everything he helped him out of the bathtub and gave him some boxers. "You can put these on first so I can look at your injuries before you put on the rest."

Sam got some first aid stuff out and started to patch the other up. He had to bandage a lot which was kind of worrying.

"I'm done. Let's get you dressed." He smiled slightly and proceeded to help the other get dressed. "Sorry, the clothes are probably way too big. Their mine so yeah." He scratched his neck and as he looked at Gabriel who was now fully dressed again he chuckled a bit.

The clothes that he had provided for the other were way too big which made the angel look actually kind of cute and hilarious at the same time.

"Okay, that will be all. You can go back to your room. I won't bother you." As Sam wanted to leave he felt a weak grip on his arm. So he turned around again to see the angel looking kind of desperate as if he didn't want him to go.

"What's wrong?" Sam put his hand on the other one's. "Gabe, please talk to me."

Slowly he saw the angel's eyes filling with tears. As first tears started to roll down his cheek Sam pulled the other into a hug. He just held him close while the other was starting to cry.

His heart ached by the sounds of the other's muffled sobs. He wouldn't let anyone hurt him anymore. No matter how pathetic it might seem for him to want to protect an archangel.

After a while, he noticed that Gabriel's legs got weaker trying to support his body. So he sat down to continue hugging him while he was on the ground crying. Sam carefully brushed through the other's hair.

The angel who was a crying mess on the ground leaned against the other as his hands clutched in his shirt.

While Sam did his best to comfort the other Cas stepped into the room. Gabriel didn't seem to notice him.

It hurt Castiel to see his big brother like that since he actually looked up to him as a kid. Gabe was this cool older brother who played with him while all the other angels had something to do.

He felt awful and was a bit shocked since he had never seen him like this. Gabriel seemed always so strong and as if he didn't care.

Sam just shook his head to tell him to leave and so he did.

The two just sat there for a while until the archangel was extremely exhausted from all the crying. He nearly fell asleep on the ground leaning against the other.

Sam decided that it would be best to get him back to his room. So he stood up and helped him get back to his room.

"You should probably try to sleep a bit since you're low on angel juice. I could get you some pajamas if you want." He smiled softly and headed to the door. Just as he wanted to leave he heard a voice which he thought he could never hear again. It was too familiar.

Gabriel spoke for the first time in forever. "Don't go, please." He didn't want to be alone and he trusted Sam enough to let him be by his side.

The other quickly turned around being shocked but delighted. "Okay. I'll do that!" He felt as if they were making progress so he went up to him again.

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