Chapter thirty-four - Staring

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As it slowly turned to the afternoon hours Sam was still asleep. He definitely needed this. Gabriel was just watching him enjoying his warmth next to him. He slowly pushed some hair out of his face to look at it better. His hand rested on the other's cheek for a bit caressing it softly.

He needed this. Just laying here making sure the other is safe. Especially because Sam had an affinity for getting into dangerous situations. But right now they were safe and sound away from any problems that were going on. No matter how hard the world would try to hurt his love Gabriel would always be there. He promised himself and the hunter that.

Though he was a bit scared of himself and unsure if he could even keep that promise. He knew himself and he knew that he always runs away. But he has been trying his best to be different from his old self and until now it kinda worked. He even fought against his want to run away when he accidentally hurt Sam. The angel faced the situation and he's been glad that he did.

He intertwined their fingers and a smile crept onto his face. How could he be so lucky to be allowed to lie next to him? Maybe he was foolish for loving him but he didn't care. Sam had been the best thing to happen to him ever.

Hell, he saved him! He gave him strength to try and resolve his family issues and stand up against Lucifer. In some weird messed up way Gabriel was glad that everything happened the way it did. Sure, the whole kidnapping thing wasn't great and the torture was worse but if that didn't happen he probably wouldn't have met Sam again out of his own spinelessness. So, in some way he was glad because it got them where they were now.

That didn't mean that everything didn't also have a negative tool on him. Sometimes he had set backs and just wanted to recoil back into his own skin and shut everyone and everything out. He would have break downs from time to time.

But everytime Sam was there to pull him back out and to extend his hand towards him. Gabriel truly didn't understand how he deserved this. He thought of the other as someone who could never do anything wrong and put him on an immensely high pedestal. Nothing Sam would do could even take a toll on his love and admiration. The archangel was just happy he picked him.

While he was lost in his thoughts he didn't notice his love was awake until he kissed him. "What are you thinking about?" Sam just looked at him smiling still being a bit drowsy.

"Just how beautiful you look with a bedhead, honey." Gabriel smirked and kissed him again.

A small chuckle escaped the other's mouth. "That's sweet of you." He sat up much to the angel's disapproval and stretched his arms. "How long did I sleep for?"

"I'd say about 18 hours, so til 4 pm. Looks like you really needed it, Sammy bear."

"Wait! What?!" The hunter scrambled out of bed nearly falling on his face. It was very graceful. "I've missed so many things! I was supposed to go on a hunt with Sarah and I was supposed to-"

Gabriel stood up as well and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright I told Dean to handle it. So, you could sleep in." He made a cup of coffee appear in his hand and handed it to the other.

"Oh, thanks." Sam just took the cup and sat back down on the bed. Gabriel was right he needed a break.

"No problem, sweetheart." The archangel put his other hand on the other's shoulder, as well. "Damn, you're tense. Come on, lay down!"


"Lay down on you stomach." Gabriel took the coffee out of the other's hand and nudged him towards the bed.

"Why?" Sam just looked at him confused but did as he was told. "If this is a weird sex thing-"

The hunter was interrupted when his boyfriend pushed down on his shoulder making him groan. The angel then continued massaging the other.

"Oh my- Jesus, Gabe where did you- ow, learn to do that?!" Sam winced in pain. But it felt good to get those lumps out.

"Picked it up when I had a fling with a massage therapist. You like it?" The archangel's hands travelled over the other's body finding all the right spots. When he was done he gave Sam a kiss on his back. "I've decided to stay here and just check in with the other angel's once a day."

The hunter turned around under him so that he was able to look at him. "Really?" A big smile adorned his face.


Without warning Sam pulled him down kissing him passionately. "I love you, Gabriel." The archangel bought out his most genuine smiles. He was ecstatic to have him stay again. No matter how everything would turn out he was just happy.

"I love you, too, honey." Gabriel gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Now, let's get you some breakfast." He got off the other and magiced some breakfast on his lap.

A chuckled escaped the hunter's mouth. "Thank you."

After they were done eating they went out to meet up with Dean and Castiel. Dean had the great idea of going to a bar together and so they did.

When they arrived Gabriel ordered them all some drinks. "So, what have you guys been up to while I've been gone?"

"Dean, said it was boring without you and tried to convince me to go partying with him all the time." Cas took a sip of his drink and smiled. "Oh, Jack also missed you."

"Aww, I missed you guys, too. But I most of all missed my Samsquatch." The archangel nuzzled his face into his boyfriend's neck and showered him with kisses.

Sam smiled like an idiot and kissed him back. "You're an idiot you now that?"

"I know but I'm your idiot!" A smirk grew on Gabriel's face. "And you love me."

"Get a room." Dean joked not knowing that Gabriel would actually jump on that idea.

The archangel jumped up from his seat. "That is a great idea, Dean-o!" He grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him up with him.

"Wait- that was a joke we just got here."

"Too late." Gabriel teleported away with his boyfriend leaving the other two behind.

"Well, that's a bummer. Want to get another round?" Dean smiled at his angel.

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