Chapter thirty-seven - Chuck

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"Wait, dad?! What is going- How- Where have you been?!" Gabriel wasn't able to comprehend what he was seeing. His father was standing in front of him after all the thousand year. "I-"

"I need to talk to you." Chuck just sat down on a chair. "It's about your relationship with Sam."

"Hold up! You gotta explain yourself first. Where the fuck have you been and why did you abandon us?! Did you know about what was going on?"

"Yes, but-"

"You did?! How could you do nothing? Do you even care- I can't believe-"

Chuck just sighed and talked over his son. "I know I wasn't the best father but we need to talk about you and Sam. It's important."

"Is Sam alright?" Gabriel wanted to hit him and scream but he was too worried about his love to do so.

"Yes, but your relationship with him is a problem."

Now the archangel was just plain confused. "Why?"

"You being there makes every obstacle I put in their way too easy. It's boring. I'm a writer and I need to write good material and this isn't it."

Gabriel couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You're kidding, right? You're not telling me that you intended for all these horrible things to happen right?"

"I'm not kidding. Can't you just choose another human to fool around with?"

"Holy shit! Lucifer was right. I defended you! But you're- you're just an asshole. Human's are living conscious beings! You can't just toy with them." The angel was angry. No, he was furious. His father comes back after all those years and he wants to fuck over his boyfriend's life.

Chuck got up from his chair. "So, that's a no?"

"Of course, it's a no! What were you expecting? I love Sam and I'm not just sleeping with him! Do you think I'm some kind of whore or something?" Gabriel wanted to scream at him and to slap him but he just took a deep breath and continued. "I think you should leave."

"Look, I'm gonna give you a choice. Either you leave his side and stop intervening or I'll have to step in and I really don't want to do that."

"Are you threatening me?" The angel took a step backwards. "Jesus, you are aren't you? I mean nothing to you do I? You don't care anymore."

"Calm down, I just want what's best for you. I don't want you to get mixed up in all of this and to get hurt." Chuck didn't move and looked at the other calmly.

A cold unfamiliar chuckle escaped Gabriel's mouth. "Don't want me to get hurt? Where were you when I was being tortured? Where were you when I was dying?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Sorry, but no! I am mixed up in this and I won't let you hurt my family. They might not be perfect but their mine."

Chuck sighed and turned away. "I'll give you some time to change your mind." With that he left leaving a hurt and angry Gabriel in that dark cold kitchen.

He felt tears dwell in his eyes. His legs got heavy as he leaned against the cabinet. This was all too much. While breaking down he struggled to make his way back to Sam who was still fast asleep.

Falling through the door the angel woke his boyfriend. Still half asleep Sam sat up. "Gabe, what's wrong did you have another nightmare?"

Gabriel took a deep breath and shook his head. "You need to hide! You all need to hide somewhere he doesn't find you."

The hunter was confused and got up walking towards him. "Hey, calm down. I'm alright." He put his hands on the other's shoulder, worry filling him. This all didn't make sense to him and he thought this was just Gabriel thinking a nightmare had been real or something like that.

"No you're not! My fucking dad was here. Lucifer was right."

"Wait- Chuck was here?!" Sam couldn't really believe what he was hearing. "And what do you mean Lucifer was right?"

"Everything bad that happened to you- it was him. He's the reason you guys always face these problems and he is planning something bad and big. He wanted me to leave so I couldn't help you!" Everything just spurted out of the angel's mouth. "He threatened me! You have to hide somewhere where he can't find you."

This was all a lot for the hunter to take in so he just carefully made his boyfriend sat down on the bed with him. "Okay, calm down. It will be fine. We'll find a solution."

"How can you be so calm?!"

"I'm just happy you're alright and here with me. On top of that we've killed death and overcome so many things already we'll handle this." Sam pulled Gabriel close. "Let's tell Dean and Cas about this."

Stay - SabrielDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora