Chapter thirty - Vacation

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After Jack managed to get a handful angels back they were finally able to go on that long awaited vacation. Though their group was a bit bigger than they had expected since crowley and his mother tagged along as well. But not only they went with them but the whole archangel squad. Gabriel thought it was only fair to invite Raphael and Michael since Lucifer was coming as well though to be fair that was mostly because they couldn't possibly leave him alone.

So, they all got room in a nice luxury hotel in Germany. They got one near a beach. Gabriel had covered all the costs which made Sam wonder where he got all his money from since he never worked. But then he thought that it was probably through something illegal or sexual so he decided not to ask.

Bobby and Mary shared a room as they've gotten closer. It was kind of strange but then again Sam and Dean were just happy that they were happy. Things finally seemed to turn up for them.

Crowley was a bit sad though that the Bobby wasn't their bobby and that he couldn't tease him with their kiss. He also wasn't a fan of being there with Lucifer or the other archangels. The only one he tolerated was Gabriel. But he would just try to ignore them and enjoy the free vacation.

When they where done with unpacking Sam and Gabriel went down to the lobby to meet up with the others. Since it was already late they decided to go to a club together. Well, most of them Bobby and Mary went to a restaurant instead.

When the arrived at the fancy night club which was on the top floor of a skyscraper Gabriel immediately ordered them all drinks Jack included. He argued that since Jack is physically 18 and the legal drinking age in Germany was 18 it would be fine.

So they all found themselves a little table in the corner. Charlie quickly excused herself when she saw a cute girl on the dancefloor. Michael and Raphael were unsure about drinking.

"Come on, let loose! Whose gonna stop you, dad?" Gabe chuckled and drowned a shot while cuddling with Sam.

Raphael just shrugged and took a sip of his cocktail. But Michael was still a bit tense. He never did something like this.

Lucifer just took a big gulp of his drink. "You probably couldn't handle alcohol anyway."

"I'd handle it better than you!"

"Yeah, you think so? Then drink and prove it or are you scared?" Lucifer laughed at him and teased him.

Michael just took his drink and downed it all. He wouldn't let Lucifer one up him.

Gabriel cheered. "Now the party is starting!" He took Sam's hand. "Come on let's dance." Without waiting for an answer he pulled him into the crowd.

The two danced around for a bit until Sam wanted to get out onto the balcony since it got a bit too much for him and Gabriel happily went with him. Sam took a deep breath. "This is nice."

"I know. It's relaxing we deserve it." The angel leaned against his boyfriend. "My brothers are pretty tame, as well. It's perfect."

The other chuckled a bit. "It feels almost normal you know like as if I was still in college and nothing bad ever happened and you're just my normal boyfriend."

"I think I know what you mean. Do you miss your old life a lot you know before the whole hunting thing?"

"Sometimes. It was just simpler but being a hunter also has it's perks." He smiled at the other.

"Yeah, what perks? Committing tax fraud or not having to cram for finals?" Gabriel laughed and looked at the other interested.

Sam gave him a peck on the lips. "I was more think meeting you and everyone but yeah that too." A small chuckle escaped his mouth.

"Oh my father, you can be such a sap sometimes Samsquatch." The angel kissed him and caressed his cheek. "I love it!"

"Should we get back in? I'm kind of worried about Jack who YOU gave alcohol to."

"The kids old enough. He'll be able to handle it but sure." They went inside again and their table was way less crowded. Dean and Castiel were in some corner making out. Rowena was dancing with Charlie and talking with her about how they could get her together with some girl.

Crowley was talking with Raphael and they seemed to quite enjoy themselves. This was a bit surprising but hey nobody tried to kill each other so the night was going well. Jack was just watching Michael and Lucifer drinking while giving each other death stares. He seemed a bit hammered. Maybe that drink was too much for him.

As the two sat down with them again Jack smiled widely. "Hey, there you are!" He was even more hyper than usual. Sam talked with him while Gabriel's attention turned to crowley and Raphael. "So, you guys are getting along quite well?"

"Yes, Crowley just told me on how he plans to rebuild hell and his management is quite impressive." He took another sip from his cocktail. Raphael seemed to drink way more responsibly than his other brothers.

After a while the other's came back to the table as well. Though Rowena and Charlie just stopped by to tell them they would got back to their rooms since it was getting late. Crowley joined them. Sam also send Jack with them since he had to sleep off the liquor.

So, now the only ones left were the Winchesters and the angels. Gabriel stopped Lucifer and Michael from ordering more alcoholic drinks and ordered the some water instead.

"You two seemed to have had some fun." Dean commented while squeezing Castiel's thigh.

Gabriel laughed at the sight of his brothers. "Well, that's what they get for trying to out drink each other." He was leaning against his boyfriend.

"Shut it." Lucifer hissed while nearly falling asleep on the table.

Gabriel got up. "I'll get them to their rooms." He looked at Raphael. "Mind lending me a hand? You can take Michael I'll take Luci."

Raphael nodded and helped his brother to get the two back to their rooms. "I'll go to my room as well. See you tomorrow." He smiled at his younger brother and dissapeared.

When Gabriel arrived back at the club he saw a girl flirting with his love and him desperately trying to get away. So, the angel just went over there and put his arm around his boyfriend. "Everything alright, babe?"

Sam turned around looking at him and smiled. "Oh, you're back!" He gave him a kiss before turning his attention back to the girl. "I told you I wasn't here on my own. Would you leave me alone now, please."

The girl huffed and went away leaving the two love birds alone. "You saved me, Gabe. Thank you."

"No problem but where did Cas and Dean dissapear to?"

"They wanted to go to their room for some 'alone time'." Sam laughed a bit. "Let's go to our room, too."

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