Chapter one - Silence

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Sam was still shocked as his gaze fell upon his old friend, who he had believed to be dead. He was cowaring before him nearly the shadow of the person he once was. He had lost his confidence and wit. Sam had never seen him like this before he wouldn't even make jokes or grin.

"Gabriel??" But as he tried to move towards him the other just flinched and tried to move away further.

Just now did Sam really notice that the angel's mouth had been stitched together. It was terrible. So he grabbed some tiny scissors and a pair of tweezers.

"Hey, it's alright." Sam's voice was calm and sothing. Just as it was when he had tried to calm Jack down. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help and remove those stitches from your mouth okay?"

It was obvious that Gabriel didn't like the idea of him getting closer especially with scissors but he also didn't flinch away which allowed Sam to put one of his hands on his shoulder.

"See? I'm not gonna do anything bad to you." Sam proceeded to carefully put his thumb on the other's lips. They were surprisingly rough. He then carefully brushed against it to find a place to start cutting the string.

After he found a good starting place he carefully cut the strings that were holding Gabriel's mouth shut.

Sam then helped the other get in one of their many guest rooms. The bunker was quite big if he thought about it.

As the two arrived at the room did the taller one gazed upon the other once again. The angel was extremely dirty and bloody and his clothes were in an awful shape.

"We should get you cleaned up. I could get you a bath ready and give you a few clothes of mine. They would be a bit too big but they should do." But just as Sam finished talking Gabriel curled up into a ball. One thing was sure he wasn't going to move anytime soon.

"I'll leave you alone for now." Sam proceeded to open the door. "I'll check in on you later."

After he had left the room he made his way into the kitchen to call Castiel. He told him about what had happened. As he hung up he thought about how he could kind of cheer Gabriel up.

Sam then got out an old baking book to search for a good recipe. It hurt him to see the angel like that especially when he was usually so upbeat and cheerful. So he decided to bake him a cake since he knew how much Gabe liked sweets.

After he finished baking that cake he went to the room the other was in. He knocked on the door even though he knew that there would be no answer. So after waiting a few seconds he went in.

Gabriel flinched as he heard the door open and was still cowering in a foetal position. He didn't even bother to look up.

The taller one just put the cake on the dresser. "Hey, I made you a cake. I'll leave it here and I'm sorry if it might be bad I haven't baked anything in a while." He waited a bit but the other didn't react. "Well, I'm gonna go then. Maybe tomorrow we can get you all cleaned up."

As he left the room Sam heard Cas arriving back at the bunker. So he walked up to him.

"Where is he?" The Angel seemed kind of worried.

"He's in one of the guest rooms. But I wouldn't bother him right now. He's pretty messed up." Sam was still unsure about what to do. "I think it's best if he rests now. We have other matters to worry about right now as well."

Cas looked kind of confused until he saw the rift. "Wait where is Dean and why is the rift open?"

"Dean's in the other world together with Ketch."

The angel's eyes filled with concern. He looked a little scared. "You let Dean go alone with Ketch?!" He was in disbelief.

"He didn't give me much of a choice. Look I don't like this either. But we need to concentrate on the rift and on stopping any angel or whatever that could come through." Sam put a hand in Castiel's shoulder. "Can you heal Gabriel by any chance?"

The angel hated that he couldn't do anything neither about the Dean situation nor about Gabriel. "I'm afraid I can't. A normal angel like me can't patch up an archangel. I'm sorry. Though I can watch the rift while you can get some rest."

Sam was pretty down about the whole ordeal but just nodded and headed to his room.

But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't sleep very well as he was too concerned about his brother and Gabriel at the same time. He just didn't know what to do anymore all these bad things seemed to happen around them like as if they were attracting bad luck.

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