Chapter thirty-five - Routine

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After a week the two lovers had gotten a schedule going. It was like they had real jobs with Gabriel leaving each morning to tak part in the ongoing debate and Sam getting ready for hunts.

One of the evenings Gabriel came back later than usual. Most of the people in the bunker were already asleep. When he found his boyfriend he was fast asleep at a table. His head lying in some books.

So the archangel picked him up, like one would do with a child that fell asleep, and carried him to their room. On the way Sam cuddled against him his long arms and legs wrapped around the other's body. Gabriel thought it was extremely adorable especially considering how big the other was. He carefully placed him in their bed and kissed him on the forhead before getting changed.

The angel slipped on the hoodie the other had given him some time ago. It was comfortable and smelled like his love. He actually thought about wearing it to the meetings just to feel closer to him but the other angels probably wouldn't approve of him wearing a hoodie dress. Normally he wouldn't care what they approved of but he didn't want them to get of topic to lecture him about etiquette. This was all taking way too long as is.

He slipped into bed with him and started stroking his hair smiling. This woke Sam up. He was still half asleep but smiling at him. "Gabe?"

"Yes, honey?"

The hunter gave his boyfriend a kiss. "I love you." He closed his eyes and went back to sleep leaving a blushing Gabriel. The angel was smiling like an idiot. "I love you, too, Samsquatch."

Another night he came home to Sam going through some books. Happily he threw himself onto him making him flinch. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. You just surprised me." The hunter smiled at him slowly setting him down. "How was the meeting?"

"Ugh- don't remind me! They are really exhausting. I don't even know why Lucifer all the sudden got intrested in heaven." He let himself fall onto a chair. "But enough of my whining how was the hunt? I wish I could have come with you!"

Sam sat the book down and took a seat as well. "Normal. We talked to the victims loved ones and found the things and killed them. The usual."

This made the other chuckle. "Normal? You are the least normal person I know. I love how you just call it normal." He laughed a bit.

"It is my normal." Sam shrugged. "But I know what you mean. Sometimes I wish I could just be normal like really normal. No family drama, no weird supernatural crap."

Gabriel just smiled at him. "We could pretend to be normal for a while. I can cuddle with you and talk about normal things."

"Thanks but I'm okay." Sam chuckled. "Come on let's go to our room."

"Okay!" The angel hugged him excitedly making him flinch again. "What's wrong?"


"Don't lie to me, Sam. Something is obviously wrong." Gabriel looked at him intently.

With a sigh the hunter answered. "I just got lightly stabbed it's alright-"

"Im sorry- you were stabbed?!"

"Lightly. It's no big deal! I didn't want you to worry."

"Sam, are you kidding me?! I'm always worried about you. You should've just told me I'm an angel I can just fix you up!" Gabriel put his hand on the other's shoulder and healed him. "I'm your boyfriend it's my job to worry about you. Especially because you always get into trouble. Next time just tell me okay?"

"Okay, I'm sorry." Sam hugged the other. "I forget to open up sometimes. Being in a real relationship again is weird and new, sorry."

The angel just pulled him into a kiss. "It's alright! Don't worry about it. I mean you always put up with my shit. So, I'm no one to talk. Now let's go to our room." His hand wandered from the other's cheek to his hip pulling him closer, a smirk growing on his face.

While they were walking to their room they ran into Jack. "Gabriel! I haven't seen you in forever!" He smiled widely at the other. "It's nice to see you again."

"Yeah, sorry kiddo I've been working a bit too much lately. Why are you awake? It's pretty late." The archangel smiled back at him. He had grown quite fond of the other.

"I've been training with Bobby. I mean I shouldn't rely on my powers all the time right?"

They talked a while until Jack got tired and went to sleep. Gabriel and Sam layed down and cuddled. They were alright. Everything was alright. It was a great pause from all the madness that had been going on and Gabe was pretty certain that they would come to a conclusion with Lucifer eventually. Maybe they all just needed family therapy.

They definitely all needed therapy but though luck finding a therapist for hunters. Thinking about it made him think that it would be profitable to be one because to be honest they all seemed to have some problems.

Heaven had a therapist but it was Naomi and all she would do was brainwash you into feeling okay.

Sam pulled him close and smiled at him. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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