Chapter five - Our Brothers Are So Gay

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"Your Brother decorated his room way more than you did." Gabriel looked around for a bit. "I mean this is your home after all."

Sam just shook his head. "Dude, stop snooping around in my brother's stuff."

Gabriel was just about to answer with a dumb pun as they heard Dean coming their way arguing with Castiel. So, he grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him into the closet with him.

The two were extremely close together since Dean's closet wasn't that big. But it saved their ass as Dean walked in followed by the other angel.

Castiel's voice was calm as he tried to approach Dean who just moved away. "Look, I'm taking nobody's site! Gabriel's my brother and I won't just use him."

Dean hit against the drawer. "Well, Mary is my mother and Jack is as much your son as he is Lucifer's. Do you want to abandon him?"

Gabriel would normally feel nice being so close to Sam but they were arguing because of him. He knew things were bad because Castiel raised his voice.

"Of course not! But we need to think this through, we need to gather more allies. We can't just jump head first into danger. That's how you always die and I can't see you die, again! I've seen that way too much because there will be a time where you can't come back." He then turned around and left.

Sam felt uncomfortable not only because he was squished in a closet with Gabriel but because they were watching a way too intimate moment.

After wrecking a few things Dean left which allowed Gabriel to teleport them out of there and out of the bunker. They were in the middle of a park.

Sam looked at the other confused because he didn't know where they a

"That was way too much. Sorry, but I had to get some air. Not that I didn't enjoy being close to you, Samsquatch." He shot the tall one a grin and hugged his arm. "Let's get some ice cream."

Gabriel pulled Sam to the ice cream stand and ordered two cones for them. They sat down on a bench and watched some children play.

"Hey, Sam I'm sorry if I'm a liability. After what I heard today I just wanted to apologise."

Sam just smiled at him. "Gabe, you're my friend. You're no liability. My brother's just hurt and broken. We all are. Don't think too much about what he said."

Gabriel smiled back at him as he finished the rest of his ice cream. "I don't think you're broken, Samsquatch. On the contrary, you're doing amazing after all you went through. I mean I would have probably cut the corn. You know kicked the bucket."

He slowly reached for Sam's face as his finger brushed over his lips. "You had some ice cream on the corner of your lip there." The archangel then proceeded to lick his finger while Sam's face flushed a little.

"You are such an idiot. You know that right?" The other rolled his eyes at his bold gesture.

But Gabriel just grinned. "Well some might say idioticly good looking." His hand went through his hair.

"You know everything was way easier before my father made you guys. But I'm happy he did. I really like humans which is why I never understood Luci. You guys are one of the strongest-"  He paused for a second as he smirked at Sam. "hottest being there are. I mean sure you're flawed but you guys try to do better. You know I would choose you over the angels every time."

Sam was unsure what to say so he just listened. His eyes focusing on the archangel's lips an eyes. " You are all so different. Believe me I slept with a lot of you guy's even with George Washington who was great in bed might I add. But you still surprise me."

Sam was baffled unsure what to say as he had never expected such serious words to come out of the other's mouth.

He then finally broke the silence. "You keep on surprising me as well." His gaze then fell upon the kids playing.

"Dean took me to a play park once when we were little. It was fun. I mean I didn't know about the monsters yet. He was a great brother and I think he raised me well I just wish that I could give it back to him somehow. Can you promise me something?"

"Sure thing, Samsquatch. Whatever you want." Gabriel nudged him a little to lighten his mood.

"If anything happens to me. Please protect him, okay."

Gabriel just put his finger on Sam's mouth. "Don't talk like that. I wouldn't let anything happen to you in the first place. But I promise." He grinned and pulled the other up with him. "Now let's go back to the bunker before Cas and Dean get scared of where we are."

Sam nodded and smiled. "Okay, let's go." Gabriel grabbed Sam's hand and teleported them back to the bunker.

As they arrived back in Sam's room Dean and Cas were already standing there. "Where were you?" Dean went up to Sam to look for any injuries while Gabe just chuckled.

"Calm down Samsquatch is fine." He patted the tall one's back. He thought this was just Dean being overprotective until Castiel chimed in.

"Gabriel, you shouldn't be outside. There could still be demons who will hurt you. You're too weak. It's too dangerous."

Gabriel rolled his eyes getting a little annoyed. "Okay, first of all, I wasn't alone I had my perfectly qualified Samsquatch protecting me. Secondly, I'm not a child and some demons won't be able to fuck me over."

Dean shit him a serious look. "Yeah, you know I don't trust you. You're always tricking people." He then looked at Sam. "I know you're an adult. But please be careful around him."

Sam didn't quite understand what Dean meant or why he would say that. "Dean, I'm always on edge anyway and why would Gabriel do anything he hates this whole shit as much as we do."

But before they could argue about it Castiel stepped between them. "It's getting late. Maybe we should all get some rest and discuss this issue tomorrow." He basically shoved Dean out of the room and slammed the door behind them. Even though they were already moving away from the room Sam and Gabriel could hear them argue.

The two were left in the room still a bit overwhelmed. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep now. It's been a long day." Sam just slipped out of his shoes and changed into his sleep wear. He was silent for a while.

"I don't want to give you all my demons. But tonight I need you to stay." His voice was almost too quiet. But the other heard him.

"Sure, Samsquatch. I'd be glad to stay." Gabriel was feeling guilty for the arguments everyone kept having.

Sam didn't answer and just lied down facing the wall. Seeing as he was clearly upset Gabriel slipped of his shoes and layed down next to him. He carefully hugged the other from behind.

He felt the other shake a bit as he heard some muffled sounds. "Hey, big guy, I am sorry for starting fights around here." He slowly brushed along his muscular arms. "We're gonna be okay, I promise."

Sam didn't say anything but seemed to calm down a bit from Gabriel hugging him. The archangel was determined to at least stay until Sam would have fallen asleep. To his luck the hunter actually fell asleep only a few minutes in.

After a while, just as Gabriel was about to fall asleep, holding Sam inside his arms, the hunter started to move violently as he was having a nightmare.

The archangel then proceeded to stroke the other's hair and whisper words in Enochian into his ears. This calmed him down immediately allowing Gabriel to doze off.

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