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5 years later...


"Morning, Ben." I hear next to me.

I roll over and see our two children, Aidan and Evie. Evie is 2, and Aidan is 4. My beautiful wife still looks as beautiful as ever after having our two kids. 

"Morning, you three," I grumble.

"Daddy! We have a surprise for you! Get up!" Evie says with her toddler's voice.

I eventually lose the battle of not smiling. Evie is very close; we have a father-daughter bond. I look and just stare trying not to smile.

"Aidan, go take Evie downstairs. I'll take care of your stubborn father." Rey shoos them away, "Morning, Ben. Get your ass up."

I look and see her glowing, "I want a kiss first."

She shakes her head and smiles. I smile and kiss her on her lips. She leans over, so I pull her on the bed. I kiss her neck and breasts, fuller now after having our children.

"Alright, I'm ready," I say slowly sliding out of the memory foam mattress.

"Good, Evie has been bouncing around the walls." I laugh.

We both walk downstairs, and I pour myself a cup of caf. I turn around and see breakfast out. We all sit down and notice a bottle next to me. It's blue and has something written on it. 

I look at Aidan, "Aidan, could you read this aloud?"

He nods, "Number three."

I turn to Rey, who's smiling and blushing. My mind is not registering. I look at the bottle again, taking it out of Aidan's hands.

"Is this a baby bottle?" I look at her smiling.

"Ben! How do you not know this? Of course, this is a baby bottle." she laughs, nervously.

"It says, number three. We have two kids... HOLY SHIT!" I look at her, smiling, "We're having another?"

She nods, and I run over to kiss her. Evie laughs, and so does Aidan. Aidan looks a lot like me, tall, black hair, big ears, and lips, but he has Rey's nose and eyes. Evie looks exactly like her mother except for my eyes and paler skin. She also has my eyebrows.

"Holy shit!" Evie says loudly smiling. 

I turn around, "Evie, don't say that! That's a bad word."

She laughs. We all talk happily. I look at my family. First, I fell in love with my subject, the one who I will never stop learning about. Then, we have two beautiful children, and another is on the way. I remember the first time she told me she was pregnant with Aidan.

The May after the Wedding...

I come home on Friday, tired from work. Rey cooked some steak and had only one glass of wine out. I shrugged it off before dropping my shit on the couch. I sat down and put my head in my hands.

"What's wrong, daddy?" she rubs my shoulders.

"People are asses? The kids were all disrespectful and acted like they know everything. Why do they go to college if they know everything?" I complain.

"It's alright, let's go eat some dinner, dad," Rey says softly before taking me to the table.

We eat the food, and my God it was divine. I look at her, noticing something different. I've been having her stay home all week because she was throwing up. I looked at her with a soft expression.

"Dad, did anything else happen today?" Rey asks me.

"Well, mom called asking when she's going to have grandchildren. Hux was being his normal fucking ginger self. He's such an ass, but he's my closest friend. We're close, but Hux can be fucking annoying. Gwen kept asking where you were all week. Rey, everyone is missing you, and I feel bad about making you stay home." I look at her with sympathy.

"It's fine, dad. I'll take your dishes. Go take a shower or something." she stands up and takes my plate.

"Rey, why do you keep calling me dad or daddy?" I look at her with a raised brow.

She turns around and looks at me, biting her lip before saying, "You're going to be one."

I stand up for a second, thinking. Is she? I look at her and grab her waist.

"Rey, are we having a baby?" I ask.

She blushes before nodding. I pick her up and twirl her around. I smile and kiss her.

"You are taking a bath with me; I want to treasure the mother of my child." I pick her up, carrying her to our bathroom.

End of memory...

Rey is a high school teacher, teaching AP Human Geography and AP World History. Since she teaches in the afternoon, she will sometimes come into the training sessions when I ask nicely. Rey will help with the running, and many of the people like her.

I get a call from my mom, "Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie, today is Sunday, meaning we get to see Evie and Aidan. What time are you coming?"

"Let us eat breakfast, and we'll be over," I say, hanging up the phone.

I let them know we are dropping off the kids, and Rey makes sure they are seated in the back before we drive. We laugh and talk during the ten-minute car ride, happily enjoying life. Once we arrive at Leia's, Evie and Aidan run out of the car, hugging their grandmother. 

"Bye you two, we'll see you later." Rey waves and we drive back.



I hop out of the car, taking my wife to the bedroom. I kiss her feverishly, tasting her with my tongue. I pull away and search her eyes.

"Rey, I can't believe that I'm 35, having a family with the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Rey, can I learn about you, my subject?" I smirk at her.

"Yes, Ben. I'd love to let you learn about me again." She kisses my neck.

I smile and kiss her. We fumble with our clothes, falling onto the bed. I find myself showing how much I love my subject over and over. I memorize every little detail, loving every single one. 

"Rey, you are my lovely little subject," I say, holding her.

ALL DONE! I might start a new story today, reylo. I hope you loved this story! I'll see you in my new book, The Other Side! Love y'all! Comment and go look at my other book that has already been finished, Arranged with Him!? BYEEEEEEE!


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