You are Mine

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"Guys, I didn't think about it till now. I need to go find him, or should I wait till the weekly interviews?" I ask.

"Interviews, you need to focus on this. I guess this is kind of payback since he didn't talk to you or see you at all during the week." Poe shrugs, and we watch the matches.

I wait another 30 minutes before walking up with my next opponent. There is more people fighting at once now so that they speed it up. Four different pairs are fighting, and mine is just about to start. We circle each other, and I decide to make the first move.

I walk sultrily to the guy, and I swing for his gut. He is hit but quickly recovers. We swing punches at each other, and he misses my face almost every time. I swing my leg up, hitting his balls. He groans, and I use that and punch his face. He gets up, and hits my face, grabs my hair, and flings me a couple of feet. People gasp, and I slowly get up.

"That looks like it hurt," people comment on the throw, but I block them out.

I walk up slowly, not showing the pain coming from my knee. My hands shove him down to his knees, and I put him in another chokehold. He surrenders, so I let him go. I sit down and wait for my next one. Poe and Finn both lose theirs to a senior.

"Good job you two. That was a valiant fight." I pat them on the back.

2 hours later...

I fight 3 more, and this dude lost to me. There was only one more pair, and then it was us two.  The senior boy wins, and I walk up to the center. Everyone watches as we circle each other. He runs up, and we're in a punching match. He shoves me down, but I roll over before he traps me down. I find a tree near the center of the environmental stage. 

My feet take me as fast as I can to that tree. I then do what I did in the first match, backflipping over onto his shoulders. This time, we're facing opposite ways, so he as a view of my pussy.

"Nice pussy you got there. Can I eat out of it?" He asks me smirking.

"Go fuck yourself small balls!" I press my fingers on the pressure points on his jaw. 

He screams out in pain, and I use this to push us down. I end up sitting on his face, so I quickly get up and pin him down. His blue eyes look at mine, as I get on his chest, cover his face, and press my thumb down his throat. He coughs and coughs. 

"So that's a no?" he asked, making me push harder.

"Kenobi, fucking let go!" Ben yells at me.

I end it with a punch to his lip, eyes, and throat. I get off I stand up. Quietly, I walk to my spot next to Poe and Finn.

"I'm glad you beat him, but now it's you against Ben. You sure you'll be alright?" I nod, choking down my nervousness.

"Finn, I'll survive."

"Kenobi, get your ass back up. Since you've one, you get to fight me." He gestures to the spot on the stage.

I swallow my fears and walk up to the center once again. My hands shakily go up to guard. Why am I so nervous. I shake my head and put on a game face. My face relaxes, and we circle. He walks towards me with confidence, and Ben swings. I block most, but a couple hit my breasts. Fuck, that hurts.

Once he goes for another, I roll in between his legs and kicking him from behind. Everyone cheers. I watch as he gets up again. Ben walks towards me with a fire in his eyes, and I see anger burning brightly. I really fucked up. I block and dodge his punches, but one hits me in the center of my face, and I see black.

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