Other Dude

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I'm sitting and listening to his lecture about Egypt. He lectures about the topic, and then we discuss what we think. 

"For tonight, I want you all to research an important time in Egypt's history. Then, you will do a presentation on it next Monday. Presentations are to be at least 15 minutes. You are all dismissed." He says, and I start writing it in as a reminder to work on today.

Everyone leaves, but I stay behind because I have my other class with him. One of the boys that were in my history class walks over to me.

"Hey, I'm Cole," this brown-haired and green-eyed man talked to me.

"Rey, nice to meet you," I say nicely, trying to not sound like a bitch.

"You too, I was wondering if you'd like to hang on Friday. A pretty girl like you shouldn't be wasted." He smiles at me, and I roll my eyes.

"First, I'm not a toy. Second, I'm busy Friday." I get back on my phone.

"Oh, well what are you doing then and the weekend?" He looks down completely oblivious.

"Friday, I'm going on a date. Saturday and Sunday, I have a schedule that I follow. You are not in my schedule, nor do I want to fit you in my schedule. Look, I'm not interested, alright?" I look at him with strict eyes.

"Sorry, I'll get going then." He leaves, and I roll my eyes.

"Good, you didn' say yes," Ben says to me smirking.

"Well, I do have a date with a special person to me, correct?" I smile at him, and he returns it.

"Mmmhm, and he also has a very special girl close to him," Ben glances at my lips before looking back at my eyes.

I nod, "Good for him, who is it, Professor Solo?"

He leans in close to my ear, "A girl with brown hair and hazel eyes."

He walks away and pulls out the lesson plan for geography. We spend the whole class discussing and enjoying the class. He barely takes his eyes off me, and it's mesmerizing. I blush every time, and he only smiles about it.

I rise out of my seat after class is dismissed, but Ben stops me.

"It's you," He says softly.

"What do you mean?" I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

"You're the special girl close to me. The one I can't stop thinking about or staring at." He looks at me with intensity.

I blush and respond, "So are you, the one who I think it's so wrong to be with but feels so right."

He blushes and I walk away. I meet up with Rose, and we talk about our classes. I told her I have some work to do, so I will be going to the library. I walk to my spot in the corner, and I open everything for research. I find books and websites for my research. I decided to research the conflict between Egypt and Rome during the time of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar.

"Someone's already started. What a good girl, aren' we?" I feel hands on my waist while I look for a book.

"Mmmhm, I don't want to fail." I hum to him.

"Good, turn around, Rey." I listen and turn around, seeing my man.

"Yes, Ben?" I smile at him.

His hands find my hips and pull me close. I feel his body touching mine, and his lips attack mine. He holds me close, and I find myself playing with his hair as we kiss. Ben trails his lips to my neck, and we walk back into the bookshelf. His hands squeeze my butt, and I gasp at the bliss. I bite my lip, holding a moan, but he fixes that with sucking on my collar bone.

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