Pegasus started to mumble,"Mmmm Orion I wonder if this is how Pisces felt..."

Ahh I think Miss Pegasus may ship you with a certain pink haired lady. "Why would she think that this is how Pisces felt!?."

Pegasus began to wake up for real and saw that Orion was in bed with her. She was still processing what she was seeing before she shrieked and pushed him off the bed. Orion kept a neutral face as he got up from the ground as Pegasus asked,"What the heck were you doing in my bed!?" "You pulled me in and mumbled something about wanting to squeeze me."

Pegasus' face went red as she was so embarrassed now knowing that it wasn't a dream and looked at Orion with the pink hoodie staring at her. She wanted to change the subject,"So what are you doing in my room?" "Oh ya, breakfast in bed I guess, here."

Orion passed her the tray of food as she took in from him. She wanted to thank him but he started to speak,"Don't thank me, Libra and Cancer made breakfast go thank them later. Just, never pull me into bed again please that uncomfortable situation."

Pegasus nodded as she started to eat the food Orion brought. Orion left the room in a rush hoping to end the horribly awkward situation. He quickly took a shower and changed into outside clothes. He went downstairs and Sagittarius asked,"So what did she say to you?" "Nothing that is worth stating." I would love to differ.

Orion ignored Ophiuchus and left the cabin to go into the forest. The rest started planning on what to do for the day.

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Aries, Leo, Capricorn and Gemini went off into the lake and were canoeing. They were all in their swimsuits in case they fell out of the boat. Capricorn was paired with Aries and Gemini was paired with Leo to avoid Leo and Aries from starting another stupid competition.

Gemini was rowing while Leo simply admired the surrounding. Aries was rowing while Capricorn was taking pictures of the animals he saw.

Once they had started to take a small break by a waterfall that they found, Leo suggested,"Hey we should go for a swim!"

Gemini looked at her like she was insane and asked,"Do you know how deep this place is?"

Leo looked at him with a smirk and replied,"Nope." She jumped off the canoe and into the water disappearing underneath the surface of the water.

Gemini quickly looked over the edge of the canoe and looked into the water trying to find her only to hear another splash and Capricorn screaming.

Gemini looked at the other canoe now with Aries missing and Capricorn looking at him with wide eyes. Suddenly Capricorn was pulled in by a hand that appeared from the water and soon Gemini himself was pulled into the water.

Leo and Aries' heads popped up from the water and started laughing at the boys who were now soaked and Gemini swam to Aries quickly and grabbed her and pulled her underwater earning a shriek from her with Leo laughing maniacally. Capricorn was adjusting his glasses as he saw Gemini and Aries wrestling in the water seeing who would admit defeat first while Leo cheered Aries on.

Capricorn sighed and decided to enjoy the cool water he was in as he enjoyed the show that was happening at the moment, cheering Gemini on while taking pictures with his waterproof camera.

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Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, Sagittarius and Taurus were exploring the forest just walking around to in Virgo's words,"Experience Nature."

Scorpio and Aquarius were talking to each other and Sagittarius was looking at animals with Taurus while Virgo was zipping around uncharacteristically hyper, taking pictures of trees and plants.

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