Chapter 7 - Welcome to the Harem

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~~~ Meeting about the accident

Dancer was not in a good mood at all. Right now, in a conference room was Thyra, Ray, Gentle, Gerdal, the lawyer, the two accident investigators, as well as several others. They were there to discuss the boy, his mother, and what had happened the previous morning. Since Pack Liraque essentially belonged to her, she had to be there. Since they were a cadet branch of Pack Johnson Thyra, Ray, Gentle, and Gerdal needed to be there. Since there were indications of foul play the accident investigators, the lawyer, and several specialists were there. Thankfully everyone had gotten something to drink and they were ready to get started.

She lightly tapped her cup of tea with a silver spoon. When the sound died, she glanced around the room, "We are all here for the same thing. First is to deal with the accident which ended up with the probable death of the driver and injury to her pup not to mention damage to the temple. Second are the allegations of foul play related to the potential death based on the failure of her treatment. It also includes indications the drive was tampered with which is why the accident investigators are here."

Spike hurried in, "Pardon for coming in a bit late. Looked at Dreamer before I came up." She settled down and pulled her tablet out.

Dancer gave her a nod and knew she had been checking Dreamer as well as Gloria, "The next issue is the request given to Strong Hands by Dreamer's mother. This led to an altercation yesterday with several members of Pack Zorg. It led to the arrest of the three pack members as well as Pack Father Hands. He was released to the temple on bond. The other three will be held until they appear in front of a magistrate. Now we all have the basic information does anyone have questions, or shall we get started?"

There were a few murmurs amongst the groups before one of the investigators spoke, "For the moment we don't have any questions, but we would like to hear from Dr. Dancing Wind on the status of the Mother, Dreamer, and Strong Hands."

Dancer looked around and then indicated for Spike to take over. Spike didn't bother looking at her notes, "Starting with the mother as of now the chances of any recovery is virtually non-existent. The chemicals have damaged her brain too much for even our medical science to fix. Other than intervention of one of the Gods or Goddesses she has at most three to four days unless she is kept on life support. Dreamer physically is doing reasonably well though he is still recovering from some bruising and soft tissue injuries."

Spike had to sigh, "With Hands it's more complex since there are a number of factors which come into play. Physically he is in excellent health and doesn't have any physical injuries from helping with the accident or the incident yesterday." She had to hesitate before continuing. Much of what involved his mental stability was considered confidential medical information and she hadn't gotten a chance to ask Hands.

Before anyone else could speak Hands contacted them, *Ray I know technically you have authorization to release my medical information for this inquiry. I am going to save you the heartache of trying to decide what and how much. Doctor Dancing Wind you have my personal authorization as Pack Father Strong Hands Johnson of Pack Liraque to divulge any and all details of my medical history you feel are important. If you have any questions about some of the more personal information contact me.* His thoughts had started firm and confident but by the end he was sounding like the kid he was, *I just want this over so I don't have to think about it anymore. I want to be able to sit with my Pack Mother and relax, play with my pack, and tickle my Liraque. I don't want any more attention drawn to our pack and my family.* He finally disconnected.

Ray's expression hardened, and he had to close his eyes as he tried to control his anger. Thyra was resting her hand on the back of his neck as she gentled his emotions slightly, "We will take care of him Ray and we will take care of you. He has stepped up and taken responsibility, but he is still a pup. We will talk about what we can do for him later okay?" She leaned over and pressed her muzzle against his neck to give him a bit of comfort.

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