Chapter 4 - Gentle would you spend the night?

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~~~ Ray and Rocky in the section

Once Ray had finished eating breakfast with the Priestesses he settled down in Hands' section. He broke out the notes and homework he had been given to study. It was slow going since he was still recovering but he wanted to get the basics down. Once he had those done and the actual training for his powers he could get back to the pack. From what Dancer and Thyra had said it was going to take several months to get the basics down. He had been provided an office where he could handle pack work. The senior pack members would come over in the morning to give reports and to give him items which needed review.

As he was studying Rocky walked in and he looked up and smiled at her. Flitter's babies were in a small crib which had been brought over previously, "Hey Rocky how are you doing, do you want something to drink?" He had been getting ready to get some more coffee for himself when she had walked in. He stood up from the table and walked over and pulled her into a good hug and held her. It felt good to simply stand there and hold one of his ladies.

"If you wouldn't mind, some tea would be nice. Are you still studying, or would you like to curl up and cuddle?" She returned the hug with one arm since she had a basket in her other hand. Before she had come over, she had packed up some snacks she knew he liked, "I don't know if you are hungry or when you last ate but I have a small basket of food for you." She tucked her muzzle in his neck and relaxed as she scented him.

"I am most definitely ready for a break. Dancer told me to take it easy and not strain myself. She also informed me she was going to be keeping a very close eye on me and if I get any headaches, she will send me back too medical." He gave her a wry smile when he said it. As she leaned into him and nuzzled his neck, he was rather surprised when he felt a faint stirring of desire. He hadn't had any interest since Flitter had passed on which was understandable, but he also had his pack to think of.

He leaned his head against hers and lightly stroked her back, "I'll put it in the fridge for now and we can cuddle for a while. I ate not too long ago and am not hungry at the moment. If you are please feel free to raid the fridge or basket."

She nuzzled his neck again and enjoyed the contact. It was the first time since Flitter had been called back to the fold, he'd shown even a faint interest in the pack as lovers. He had been caring and would cuddle them, but she missed the intimacy and knew many of the others did as well, "I ate before I came over so just some tea but if you show me where things are, I would appreciate it. Right now, I just want time with the father of my pup."

He sighed, *I know Rocky and all of you have been so supportive of me and my family. I do love and care for all of you and wish I would have been able to be more there for you. Thank you for coming over to spend time with me, well when you aren't feeding the pups that is.* From the kitchen he could hear some quiet movements and glanced over. One of the older girls was making the tea and coffee, "I could have taken care of it hun." Ray shook his head and led her over to a couch and settled down.

Zahria smiled at him, "It isn't a problem Ray. I was going to make some for myself anyways. Besides it looks like Rocky would like to spend some time with you. There isn't any reason why either of you have to bother with this." She carried the cups over and leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek, "It has been a rough couple of months for all of you and your pack. Relax, get some cuddling in and maybe even some whispering and tickling." She winked at Rocky when she said it.

Ray rolled his eyes at Zahria but didn't bother getting embarrassed about her words, "Thank you hun, we appreciate it and thank you for the drinks. I'll try not to scandalize you innocent girls too much." He winked at her and laughed.

Rocky did blush slightly but settled down in his lap and sniffed his neck again and nuzzled him. Just to be silly she delicately licked his ear, "Thank you also Zahria. You girls have been really helpful as well and thank you." She reached over and gave Zahria's hand a light squeeze before turning back to Ray and nipped his ear.

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