Chapter 3 Save him Strong Hands, save him!

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~~~ The aircar crashes

As the air car was flying towards where she and her son lived, she was leaning against the seat and looking out the windscreen. She wasn't happy since the Matriarchs had informed her it was time for her son to be sent to be with the rest of the male children in the harem. She knew it was how things were done but she really didn't like the idea. She could visit, and they were very carefully taken care of. What she didn't like was how their sense of creativity and individuality was suppressed. They were trained to not really think about much beyond the confines of the harem.

Her son was bright and cheerful and asked dozens of questions about everything. He loved to draw and sketch and sit in the window of his room and look out at the beauty of the world. He had such a gentle soul and she was very concerned the other boys might crush it. She glanced in the back seat where he was curled up asleep and quietly snoring. They had given her two weeks to deliver him to the Harem or he would be taken, and she would be banned from seeing him.

With a sigh she turned back and glanced at the temple her pack looked to. For a moment she wondered if she could give him up to them to take care of. She also wished she could take him to the new pack which belonged to the human Pack Father. She was sure he wasn't going to allow his male pups to be taken from him. Her thoughts were interrupted by an alert from the computer. As she focused on it, she started to get concerned. It was indicating a malfunction of part of the drive system which wasn't good.

She quickly took control of the vehicle and aimed it towards the street. If she could get the air car low enough, if they crashed both would survive. As she was struggling to control the vehicle it started bucking and twisting due to uneven drive coils, "Oh Goddess take care of my baby please? Don't let him be hurt." Suddenly the drives totally failed, and the air car tipped nose first and dove at the ground. Where they hit, she didn't know and was knocked out.

~~~ Hands responds to the crash

In the meditation room Strong Hands heard a voice and he concentrated on it, *Go my son, go to your favorite courtyard. Call the Temple Mother and tell her there is a medical emergency. Hurry, hurry now or he'll be lost.*

Hands' eyes popped open and the first thing he did was place an over ride call to the Temple Mother, *The Goddess just contacted me. Medical emergency in the courtyard I found Sunny in. Something dealing with a male.* Before he could continue an alert started wailing with a canned message, *Vehicle crash south east courtyard. Vehicle crash south east courtyard. Emergency response has been contacted. Medical has been contacted. Repeat...*

Hands blocked it out and stood, "Nuzzle go to our rooms and stay with Savory. I have to go." He dashed out of the meditation room with his robes flying and flapping behind him. Hands had found the gym shortly after arriving and even when he was at his worst had been using it consistently. The run to the courtyard was barely enough to get his breathing and heart rate elevated. When he came out, he found a number of people standing around looking at the vehicle which had slammed into the temple wall.

*Everyone back. Get back in case something happens. Medical and the Temple Mother is on the way. Emergency Response is enroute.* He knew this since his implant was relaying information to him. He didn't even think about it since he shouldn't have that sort of information. As he was calling out orders, he was calling his suit forward and had set it to do detailed scans of the vehicle and who might be inside. To do that he held his hands out towards the wreck since the detailed sensors were in the palm and fingers of the suit.

While he was doing it, he felt a ping and when he looked it was Gerdal, *Dusty and I were just coming over to deliver some more supplies for the babies. She has gone in. What have you found Pack Father?* As Gerdal was talking he hurried into the courtyard and stopped, "Crap, not good." He had to smile slightly since his bracelets had been upgraded and he called his ship suit forward. He was still learning though, *What are the scans showing you?*

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