My Possessive Demon Chapter 14

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Alex P.O.V

I jolted awake, noticing that I was in an unknown room in an unfamiliar bed.

I got up and looked around the room.

"Hello?" I summoned a protective aura around me.

I heard soft, dark whispers.

I began to shake as I felt chills throughout my entire body.

I took a step towards the door, making sure to check behind me.

I quickly bolted out the door and into the hallway, where the floorboard under me made a large grating.

The whispers became louder. I gulped as I continued to creep down the hall.

As I neared the stairs at the end, the entire hallway went pitch black. When I blinked, I was back in the room I had previously woke up in.

I frantically went to the window and opened it. The sun was out, and I saw acres of farmland. When I began to go out of the window, the whole world went dark again, and I was back in the same spot. I sat down on the bed, feeling defeated. I knew I wasn't getting out of here.

Suddenly a lady came in with a tray of tea and food.

"W-where am I?"

"Don't worry; you're safe."

"Where am I?" I said a bit louder and more confident.

She sighed.

"You're on my farm." She said blankly.

"How did I get here?" I said a little more calmly.

"I saved you from the Pash Ka Ni."

"The what?" I said, puzzled.

"The Pash Ka Ni, they're a secret organization of exiled Angels and Demons. Their minds are corrupt with revenge."

"Revenge on what?"


I gulped.

"What did you do, and who are you?

"My name is Sanel, and I exiled them by taking away their wings."


She chuckled.

"I don't like Angels or Demons, but you, sir, are different."

"What are you talking about?" I timidly responded.

"Come with me." She sweetly said as she gestured for me to follow her.

I followed her down the hall. This time I didn't hear the whispers, and when I got to the end, the hallway didn't fill with darkness.

We walked down the stairs.

I didn't feel as scared now; somehow, my curiosity overcame my fear, but don't be wrong. It's still there.

When we got down the stairs, a man was sitting on the couch watching a football game. He looked to be in his 50's.

"Here, honey, take a seat so we can talk."

I sat down across from her.

"While I was walking through the shadow realm, I came across the Pash Ka Ni carrying an unconscious prisoner." She sighed.

"I sensed you had great importance to them, so I laid waste to them and brought you here. I was unsure of who you were or what you're capable of, so I put you in prison upstairs."

I took a second to breathe.

"Thank you for saving me, but I need to get back to my boyfriend and friends."

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