My Possessive Demon Chapter 20: The Seige

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(Alex P.O.V)

I looked at Axel with fear, he came up to me and hugged me, assuring me that he would protect me.

"We need to get into defendable positions, Josh, Fin, you need to get into defensive positions, You're going to be the first line of defense." Axel turned to me.

"Alex. You, Daniel and Jacob, will be working support for the Armies, keep our soldiers alive and protect the ground shredders, they're our only hope of thinning their numbers, we've engineered them to capture souls so we can avoid them coming back. Anubis you're working soul transfer. You're the only one here who can guide the fallen Pash Ka Ni Soldiers to join our armies and the more numbers we steal the bigger advantage. I'll be on standby using ranged attacks and targeting their strongest soldiers. Lastly, Mahees you'll be on Flame/Crown defense. Does everybody understand?"

We all agreed and started to get into position. The Armies were all in position, Daniel was covering the southern sector with and Josh, Axel, and I was covering the northern sector. Axel, Jacob, and Fin were defending the eastern sector, and lastly, we set up a trap if they decide to attack from the west so we can thin their armies with Anubis is on stand-by.

As we waited the tension that filled the air could be cut with a knife, everybody was on edge with fear.

Suddenly a burst of darkness shrouded over hell as an eerie mist filled the air. we looked around and suddenly north, east, south and west filled with abyssal portals. "They're attacking from all directions! get those air units on recon to determine where their main attack force is!" Angelic scouts flew overhead towards the portals and flew around them as the soldiers poured out. One came back to us. "We have determined from the size of the portals and the front line defenders that they are attacking from the north with their main force." Axel nodded and we flew out to support the armies in the North, West and East while Axel focused his attention on the north and south.

The battle went on and we were making anazing progress, we had already delt with the east and west, however the northern and southern fronts were brutal, suddenly a loud roar boomed through and a huge portal opened in the north, a hand extended out and before we knew it a monster had entered hell. Axel, Josh and Fin all flew up towards it, they fought the thing to no avail, Daniel and I tried to support them but our attacks didn't even scratch it.

I was thinking and suddenly I had an idea. "AXEL! WE NEED TO DROP A GROUND SHREDDER ON TOP OF IT."

Axel looked at me and nodded before telling Fin and Josh. The three boys grabbed a spare ground shredder from the north, channeling a ton of their power to move it, and by the time the monster had looked up, they released it.  The shredder did it's job and began shredding it from top to bottom, staining the ground with it's black, putrid blood. Suddenly we felt another large rumble and above us had opened a portal and now millions of dark birds were pouring out. "I'll deal with this!" Fin shouted as he got right below the portal. He channeled his power and before we knew it a tornado of fire had released from the depths of his soul, killing all the birds and destroying it portal. We all rushed back to the front line and continued thinning down their numbers. We were having a relatively easy time until yet another portal had opened. Out popped 2 huge men dressed in black robes, they had angelic wings but they were corrupted. An Angel flew to us, the angels cannot touch these new enemies, it is Raguel amd Adriel, we would stand no chance." Axel nodded and sent them off.

Fin, Daniel and I decided to take Adriel, while Josh, Axel and Jacob decided to take Raguel. We split off and started out long battles, I summoned a whip of Celestial renewal to attempt to clear their corruption but it had no effect to Daniel and Fin combined their powers and attempted to make a prison for them, however when they realized, they brushed them to the side and looked directly at me. I summoned armour and my sword and quickly rushed at it with my wings coming out. I flew up and sliced it across the face, causing it to roar in pain while Fin hit it with a heat blast from behind. Daniel channeled his power and a storm cloud appeared and suddenly the angel was being barraged with the bolts.

I decided I would try and finish this fight here and now so I did the unthinkable, I transformed into my dark state and light state and light state at the same time, Hell had been completely filled with my white light and everyone stopped fighting to watch. I felt my soul splitting in two and recombining soon after. It was painful but I felt true power coarsing through my veins, it was glorious...

Before long my light faded and the darkness overtook. They fought with eachother almost like a cat and mouse around my body until they decided to behave together. My body had turned into a pure orange as the blood traveling through my body became visable. I looked at Adriel and raised my arm, I blasted them with all I had and it was just enough, Adriel fell to the ground, missing half of their torso. Axel rushed over as I returned to normal and hugged me. "Holy shit, That was incredible." He hugged me and I smiled. "We need to get ready, we havent seen everything they can throw at us yet, I will go check on Maahes, you guys continue to wittol down their numbers.

We had one last objective... to kill Gopnik.

(Might have some spelling mistakes :3)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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