7. Our mistakes are not a reflection of your lack of authority or presence

Start from the beginning

"Go, Gray probably wants to talk it out," Landon says.

"Yeah. You know you can't stay mad at him for too long anyway," Roman adds.

"Why couldn't he just pick me up or text me to give me a warning?" I question.

"Stop overthinking it. Just go with the flow," Landon suggests.

"Fine," I reply as I open the back door and take a seat. I set my bag on the seat next to me as the driver starts on the route.

It takes about an hour and fifteen minutes before we're at our office. It's weird considering a place I've never been to mine. Also, the office is a place I don't see myself spending a lot of quality time in anymore.

"Good evening, Miss Price," another employee opens the door for me and I exit giving him a nod.


"Gregory. Greg for short."

"Hi, Greg," I smile shaking his hand.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Price."

"Call me Reese, please."

"Whatever you'd like, Reese," he smiles back.

He starts walking and I follow behind.

"I am Grayson's assistant. I run his schedule, what he wears to his meetings, who he sees, when he sees them, where he meets them is all in my hands," he explains. He scans his pass on every security clearance level. Even to work the elevator he must first scan his pass.

It's not surprising though. Our company specializes in new technologies, especially in security. We take up new ideas and designs that other companies or even people pitch. If we, and by we I mean Grayson and his board of members find that the product is worth investing in, they will fund or buy rights to whatever product it is.

"Now, Grayson and Jaxon always talk about you, so it's really nice to finally meet you. What took you so long to finally bless us with your presence?" he asks.

"Just been busy with settling in and getting used to everything."

"True. I mean from Singapore to LA is a big change. It's taken me a while to adjust too. I do miss Singapore," he claims. For the last two years, I hadn't paid much attention to what goes on in the office. When I was in rehab, I started going again with dad until he passed away and after that, I never went back. Grayson must've hired Greg thereafter our parents' death and probably moved him to LA too.

"Yes it is, but I'm slowly adjusting. I do too."

"Hopefully you start to feel at home soon, I know I have."

Before I can reply, the elevator dings open and he escorts me to Gray's office. We walk over to the little seating area and I take a seat on the couch putting my bag to the side.

"He'll be back in about five minutes. He's just finishing up a meeting. Anything I can get for you until you wait?"

"Uh... no. I think I'm good. Thank you, though."

"Well, one last thing before I take my leave," Greg says as he squats down in front of me. "I don't know what the fuck Grayson fucked up between you two, but he made me wipe the rest of his schedule clean today and I never do that for anyone. So for my sake, whatever he has up his sleeve to make up for whatever he did, just be open-minded about it and give him a chance. I've never seen that man so sad before."

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