4. Purple Kisses

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The ride to class the next day was quiet and calm. You both kept to yourself. Your skirt still had the way of distracting him but he kept it contained. You knew though. You saw his eyes wandering the whole ride.

The October air was cold but the early sunshine kept your exposed legs warm. Fall has always been the best season. You could wear a skirt and long sleeves and get away with it.

He dropped you off at the usual spot. You still hadn't exchanged words. The way that his eyes met yours said enough.

You were oddly cold when you saw the door to his classroom. You weren't sure why but the sexual things you shared the day before were a good guess.

Ava takes her seat behind you. "You get that essay done?" She whispers knowing you definitely didn't do it.

You heart sinks so far in your chest. You swing around in your chair to face her. "Fuck. What the fuck do I do? He's going to kill me after class. Oh my god. I should leave."

She grabs your by the shoulders. "I'm gonna be honest.... you're dead. You cant leave me though so you stay right there."

You slowly turn back around and see him smirk without looking at you. He knows. You know he's already planning something for you.

His book smacks the table which makes you jump. "Alright class, I can't lie. I don't have much planned for today so all I ask is that you read the article I sent to you all through email and give me a page summary by the end of class."

He looks at you and gestures you over with a nod while everyone gets to work on their summary.

He whispers so the class can't hear. "You get that essay done? You know it was due today."

You swallow hard as his eyes pierce through yours. "I know. I just got so distracted last night."

He smiles but his eyes are mad. You can't look away. You're scared to. "What had you so distracted last night?"

Your soul blanks out. All you see is him from your window. That man was your distraction. You bend down closer to him. "You know exactly what had me unfocused yesterday. May I head back to me seat?"

His expression turns wrong quickly. "Yes of course but stay after class so we can talk about this essay." The end of that sentence felt dangerous. You knew he didn't actually mean the essay.

Your legs were weak but they managed you to your seat. Your seat feels hard and cold. Even more than before.

You jump as Ava taps your shoulder. "He looked pretty mad. What'd he say to you?"

Your face gets red and you try to hold back a grin. "He wants to stay after class." You roll your eyes to try and act normal. "He's definitely going to lecture me."

"Fuck, he's going to destroy you." She laughs but you can't even crack a smile. "I'll be at your funeral."

You grin while throwing up a middle finger and swinging back around in your seat.

The time went slow while you counted down the minutes to your death.

The sound of the bell sends a jump through your body.

Ava puts her hand on her shoulder before packing up her notebook. "Good luck." She giggles and leaves you behind in your seat.

Your skin is stuck to the seat. You're lifeless.

You feel his eyes lay on you. "Come to my desk, young lady. We need to discuss your lack of participation in my class."

You slowly ache and stand to your feet. Your soft skin shows at the end of your skirt.

He gestured you over with his two fingers. "Come here.... now."

Your body shivers at that word. "Now."

Your feet shuffled to his desk bringing you to the other side of the desk. You slowly raise your eyes to meet him at his seat.

His presence becomes tall as he stands up. You eyes are brought up to his as he lifts your chin with his finger.

"Look at me." He scolds. "Everyone else did their essay. Explain to me why you couldn't focus. What had you so distracted?"

You glance over to see his door shut. You were uncomfortably close and didn't want to get caught.

Your eyes land on him once again. "You already know."

He graces your cheek with his finger. "Tell me. WHAT had you so distracted?"

"You did, sir. I couldn't stop thinking about you last night." You say softly. Your flustered cheeks did most of the talking.

His hand quickly lands on your throat pulling you into a kiss.

His hand was so violent but his lips were so gentle. As soon as his mouth was with yours, you felt so calm and you could tell that he did too.

His heated kiss stops and pulls away from you. "You thought about me all night, huh?"

"Yes, sir." You whimper as his hand still has ahold of your throat.

"Good girl."

Teacher's Toy • (Kylo Ren x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang