9. Warm Words

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You wake up to his warmth surrounding your body. He was behind you, holding you. He was so much bigger than you so saying that he held you was quite a literal statement.

You slowly turn your head in efforts to not wake him, but to see if he's already awake.

After noticing his still body and closed eyes you slowly turn your entire body to face his. Still wrapped in his arms.

You gently move his rustled hair from his face. You don't move much after that. You lay still watching his body gently sway as he breathes deeply.

Soon enough you feel his hand love positions from your hip to the higher part of your waist. You quickly look up to meet his eyes glancing down at you.

He takes his hand and brushes your hair behind your ear. "How long have you been awake?"

"About 10 minutes or so." You speak softly.

"So you've just been watching me sleep? Kinda creepy if you ask me." You both let out a synchronized laugh.

You nuzzle into his chest. "You're so warm. I felt really safe here. I'm glad I stayed."

His face lights up. "That makes me really happy. Let's get up. I'll get some breakfast going."

"Well I don't wanna take up too much of your day. I'm sure you have things to do today-"

He cuts you off. "No, please stay. I have a meeting today, but it's in a couple of hours. I have plenty of time to make us breakfast." He smiles hopefully.

You both slide out of bed stretching and groaning as you do so. You remain in the same clothing as before and make your way into his kitchen following after him.

"You like pancakes? I make absolutely lovely strawberry pancakes. Trust me, you'll love it."

"They better be delicious." You watch for his chuckle.

You still follow him as he goes further into the kitchen. He reaches into the fridge and pulls out strawberries. "Can you wash these and then cut them up?"

You nod and take the container from his hands. He slides a small sharp knife over to you on the counter. "Be careful with that." He leans over and kisses the side of your head which makes you turn your head in order to hide your blush.

He heads back where he starts cooking on the stove behind you.

You make slight glances over your shoulder from time to time to admire his muscular build from behind. He was built so perfectly. Heavenly.

You're startled by a hand on your waist. "You almost done?"

You set the knife down gently beside the plate of cut strawberries. "Just got done." You smile and hand him the white shiny plate.

He takes the plate and turns back to the stove. You follow his few steps and wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. You feel his breathing change as he must've been surprised. "You're so warm." You place your cheek on his bare back.

You hear some utensils clink as he sets them on the counter top. He releases your grip and turns to face you. Gently, he raises your chin and presses his lips to yours. His soft voice speaks up. "You want coffee?"

"Yes, please."

He kisses your forehead and drags his hand across your waist as he turns back around to get something. Turning back towards you, he hands you a plate that has three perfectly stacked pancakes with the strawberries you had cut placed on top. You can tell he carefully placed each slice in a decorative manner. There's also a pink liquid drizzled over the pancakes in thin lines.

He points gestures at the plate as you take it from his hands. "That stuff on top is my specialty. It's a strawberry syrup. I made it myself." He smirks in a humorous way. "I'm the best chef you'll ever meet." You roll your eyes as he chuckles to himself. "Now, you go try that while I make the coffee."

You nod with a grin and make your way to the dining table.

"Anything particular you want in it?" He asks as you sit down.

You pause in thought and serve a smile. "Surprise me."

"Hmmm." He hums. "I think I've got the perfect thing."

You waste no time in trying these pancakes. You place the perfect bit of it on your fork. Ren swings around, leaning on the counter and crossing his arms. "I wanna watch as you take your first bite. I wanna see the amazement on your face." He still carries a stupid smirk.

Maintaining eye contact, you take the first bite. You stop chewing for a moment and a big smile grows on your face.

"They're good, are't they? You didn't believe me. There's no way in hell that those aren't amazing."

You swallow and look down at the table trying not to smile. Swiftly bringing your head back up with a straight face. "These are terrible."

He takes no time in returning a response. "YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR. Those are godly and you know it."

You both take a moment to laugh and then settle back into soft smiles. "They're amazing, sir. Absolutely lovely. The syrup is actually so good. Definitely exceeded my expectations."

He walks over with your coffee and sets it down gently. "It's my first time making them for someone else, so I'm glad you like them." You take pride in his words.

Soon he places himself in a chair next to you. He reaches down and grabs under your chair and before you know it, you feel yourself move as he pulls your chair closer to him. You blush in awe at his ability to move you so easily. "I love having you close." A kiss is placed on your head.

You loved being here. Next to him. His presence was serenity.

Smut in next chapter since y'all are dying for some LOL

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