16. Visual Learner

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"Where are we going?" Noticing that he's now passed where he normally drops you off.

"I was wondering..."

You interrupt him before he even gets to finish. "Wondering what?"

"You're so quick to be curious and I like that." His eyes are fixated on the road in front of him.

"Well you set me up for failure with all the anticipation you give me."

He taps his index finger on the steering wheel in thought. "Would it be okay if I took you somewhere? Just a little adventure. It's a little bit of a drive so you'll get home a little late, if that's okay."

"That's fine with me." The seat beneath you becomes comfier as you relax at the fun suggestion. "Is this a surprise or am I allowed to ask where we're heading?"

"It's a place I used to hang out at with my friends when I was younger. It was our little secret that no one really knew about except us."

A lot of questions guide through your mind, but you start with the simple one. "Why do you want to take me there? Must be pretty cool."

His silence speaks for itself before he comes to his thought. "I just feel like I haven't shown you anything worth knowing about me yet. I dislike my distance just as much as you, so I want to give you this."

Red flushes over your cheeks at his vulnerable statement. "Well I appreciate that-" A yawn interrupts your moment.

"We have about another 40 minutes left until we get there so you could nap while I drive if you'd like. You seem tired."

"I'm gonna take you up on that offer, I'm exhausted."

"I'll wake you when we get there. You have a music preference?" His fingers fiddle with the radio stations.

"Surprise me." You nudge yourself into a comfortable position and begin slipping asleep. Of course his choice of song is a soft musical piece. It's hard to find a flaw on a man with music taste like this. Who listens to classical music on a car ride? Him apparently.

You awake to a low hum coming from your left side. Before opening your eyes you lie still and listen to the warm voice fill the car.

"I know you're awake."

The warm voice now makes you jolt. "How'd you know?"

"I'm just cool like that."

You giggle at his joke even though it was merely funny. Funny in the form of a dad joke, but other than that it didn't even pass the break of worth a laugh.

"What song were you humming along to just a minute ago?"

He reaches up to his cars radio settings and clicks to the song before. "This Guy's in Love With You"

Both of you make quick eye contact but laugh it off. "Sorry that seems weird." His demeanor is very awkward in embarrassment. "I'm not hinting anything like that I just really do like this song."

You place your hand on his to comfort. "I know."

As the song places Ren starts swaying his head to the beat. "It's good isn't it?"

"It is. It's very sweet."

"Very... andddd we're here!" The car comes to a stop and settles in a small gravel parking spot.

"Can I now ask where we are or is it still a secret?"

He keeps his silence but flashes a wink before getting out to show he's not saying a word.

You just smile and accept his silent humor, hoping it's somewhere cool. 

The car slows down and as soon as it stops he slings his seatbelt off of himself. "Well we're here."

A quick look shows you a forest with not much to admire. "Not to be a buzzkill, but why this spot?"

Suddenly, he takes your hand and pulls you further in. "Follow me, please. You'll know exactly why I wanted to show you."

Minutes slide by of walking and no conversation, but you're okay with it since it's cute that he's dragging you around. 

"Just one more turn and you'll see. I hope it was worth the trip."

A smile plasters on your face in excitement. "I'm so ready... oh my god."

You freeze in a moment so still and quiet that it feels deathly. "Ren, this is so cool." The vision of the deeply kept secret comes to a conclusion as your eyes widen. 

A park appears. A old rundown park that is somehow still filled with color and chaos. It's covered in graffiti and old memories of people from the past. The metal of the slides shines from the sunset and the swings gently sway with the wind that blows your hair around your face. 

"This is it. I used to come here almost everyday as a kid." He admires it as if it's the only safe places he has ever had.


"Oh yeah. This was my whole childhood right here. Just seeing it makes my life feel full again."

The grip you have on his hand becomes a little bit stronger. "Well it's beautiful." You trot over to the swings and take a seat. "You have to come over here with me or else."

"Fine fine fine." His excitement clearly changes from nostalgia to the focus on you as he takes a seat next to you. "So you like it? I'm afraid that bringing you here was too unexpected." 

Your swing sway squeaks in between your words as you push yourself forward and back. "I love it. Your face lit up as soon as I agreed to this. I knew it was going to be worth it. I'm glad I came."

As he stands up, you slow down and come to a stop to await to approaching presence. 

He bends down to be just a few inches from your face. "That means a lot to me. Thank you for coming along, doll." 

The sweetest sensitivity runs through your mind as your lips lock with his in a paralyzing instant. 

As he pulls away your ears pierce with words so sharp. "I wish you knew how much I think about you every night." 

Your voice becomes shy and stutter filled with his hand now placed on your thigh and his lips now against your forehead. 

"Please tell me all about it."

Teacher's Toy • (Kylo Ren x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat