2. Take Me

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"Ughhh." You roll over to check your phone.

Ren. You quickly sit up. His text reads "You coming to class today? It's raining out again. I can pick you up."

"Of course I need a ride lol. Thanks." You quickly send back.

"I'll be there in 10."

You quickly race out of your bed to get dressed. You pick out a mesh floral top and tight black ripped jeans and throw them on. You quickly dart down the stairs to brush your hair and put on makeup.

Lip gloss. A little eyeliner. Mascara.


"I'm here." Ren texts you.

You grab your bag and run out to his car so you don't get wet.

You jump inside and smile. "Thank you for picking me up again. I fucking hate the rain." You reach into the back for a lollipop. You pick out your favorite and pop it in your mouth. "I had to get a new one since someone stole my last one. Kinda weird if you ask me."

He smirks. "You better shut your mouth before I take that one from you too."

You instantly turn your head to the road and don't say another word.

He drops you off on the opposite side of the building so it doesn't seem weird when you both get out together. "See you in class." He grins as he drives away.

You walk down the halls quickly to meet up with your friend in the bathroom near Ren's classroom. "Hey, Ava. You're lucky I decided to show up today. I'm so dreading class today. I haven't even started on that essay and he wants me to turn it in tomorrow."

"Fuck. That's harsh. He's gonna kill you. He's always watching you in class. Pretty sure he hates you." She giggles.

You smirk as you both leave and head to his room. As you both walk in his voice enters your head. "Good morning, ladies."

"Morning, sir." Ava prances to her seat as you follow.

You both get seated right as class starts.

"Today we won't be continuing The Great Gatsby." Before he can continue you interrupt him.

"Thank god." You let out.

The class has scattered laughs.

His smile becomes very wide which immediately scares you. "Actually, we are taking a pop quiz instead. It's over what we've read so far." His face is lit up as he sees the life drain from your eyes.

"Fuck." You mumble.

"Ava, come pass these out for me." He hands her the quizzes. "I expect you all to do well on this. All of you are part of a smaller class so paying attention shouldn't be that hard. Good luck to you all. God be with you all." He chuckles and then continues to his desk.

He definitely did this intentionally. I need to start paying attention or he's going to do this all the time.

Ren stands up from his desk. "I'm afraid that times up. Please turn them into the back of the room so I can evaluate them tonight. Class is dismissed as soon as your quiz is turned in."

As the class leaves you turn yours in last. You spin around to see Ren with his feet kicked up on the desk and his arms crossed. "How'd you do?" He grins.

"I answered three. There were ten questions. How do you think I did?" You shoot back.

"You need to study more. You could've easily passed that. You used to be my best student. What happened with that?"

"Nothing happened, Ren. People change. I need to get home." You quickly grab your bag.

"Hey, wait." He grabs your arm so you can't leave. "I've overheard things at your apartment when your family visits. I've heard how your parents talk to you. You're not what they say you are. I've seen you do great things." He pulls you into a quick hug. His presence is so big but so comforting. He pulls away. "You're lucky I have a break in between your class and my others or you'd be stuck here all day."

"I'll walk today. It's not raining anymore." You start to walk off.

"Well I don't want anything bad happening to you on your way home. I'll take you. Go to the other side of the building and I'll get you."

You head down the halls then out the main doors and into Ren's car.

His eyes are focused and and still. He makes sure that he drives safe with you which you found extremely cute.

"I've never seen you wear that top before. Special occasion? I guess that fact that you can see your bra through it had some boys distracted during class." He isn't smiling anymore.

You see anger in his eyes. "Just wanted to wear something a little different today I guess. It's nothing special."

"Oh but it is special. You knew I'd notice, didn't you?" He looks over to you but you keep your head straight.

"I got a little excited this morning. Just a mistake." You swallow hard.

"Oh, darling. That was no mistake. The way you looked at me in class today was no mistake." He seems agitated or just really horny, but you assume it's both. 

You take off your seatbelt and inch closer to him.

"What are you doing-" You cut off his question to ask one yourself. 

"May I?" You gesture towards his lap. 

You can tell that he's unsure of what you're offering, but his curiosity leads him to a quick answer. He nods yes. 

You slowly undo his belt and toss it to the back seat. You continue going without his order. You know what he wants. You wanted it too.

You slowly unbutton his pants which leads to his boxers. His precum had leaked through his boxers which turned you on even more. 

You pushed his boxers down just enough to pull his cock out. "Fuck." You mumbled. "Your'e so big."

This put a huge grin on Ren's face. Your mouth slowly makes its way onto Ren's cock and then soon your throat. You feel his hand around your hair tense up as you suck his cock. With each time you went down he'd let out a small grunt or moan that gave you butterflies in your stomach. 

You come up from his dick and starting stroking it with your hand.

"That feels so fucking good. You're doing so good." His whining made him look so weak. It made you feel in control. 

You're only a few blocks from your house so you get to work stroking his cock. With each pump you could feel his cock growing and aching to cum. "Tell me when you're about to cum."

He nods his head in agreement for saying anything would allow another moan to escape.

A few more minutes of spit and precum pass. "Fuck. I'm gonna cum." He says with his hand on the back of your head.

You press his cock deeper into your throat as your tongue swirls the tip. A few seconds pass before you feel his cum pour into your throat as he lets out many moans. "Oh fuck." His breath is shaky and stuttered. 

You swallow every last drop before coming up from his dick. The next few minutes were quiet but your thoughts seemed so loud that you didn't notice.

"We're here." He says stopping the car. "I need to talk to you before you leave."

These words send your heart flying all over the place. "About what?"

"I just want you to know that whatever is happening between us isn't a trap. I'm not trying to manipulate you or get you into trouble. If you ever want to discontinue this then that's fine. This is all up to you. I really enjoy your company and I just wanted you to know that I'm not using you. That's all."

You blush and lean over to kiss his cheek. "I know, Ren. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Have a good day." You prance up the steps to the front door knowing that he's watching your every move.

He smiles one last time before heading back to the campus.

You haven't felt this alive in a long time. Maybe college isn't so bad.

Teacher's Toy • (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now